Prepping to Hike (with) Enlightened Gossamer
My first introduction to backpacking was in 2011 when I signed up for a mountaineering course in Cal State Long Beach, CA. At the time, there was a set of...
Chapter 14: PCT Week 12: “Prismatic Mammoth”
Chapter 14: Week 12: “Prismatic Mammoth” Days 78-84: 5/22-5/28/22 Total Trail Miles: 60.30 Total GPS Recorded Miles: 75.67 Cumulative Trail Miles: 942.50 From: Silver Pass to Yosemite
Do What You Can’t
"To the haters, the doubters, to anyone who ever told someone with a dream that they can't..." I can't tell you how much I like people doubting me. It drives...
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