My Stubbornness may be my Downfall
I was so grateful to get in and out of Seiad Valley before the fires started. I found the climb, SOBO, in the heat nonetheless, a bit grueling, but the...
Week 1: Snow, snow and more snow
Day 1: 14 miles. Hart's pass to Holman creek trail We got a ride by Raven up the winy road to the trail. Alltogether we were 13 people starting north...
SoBos in vortex
I have made it to Washington! My start date was two days ago, but here we are still waiting in the SoBo vortex. I flew to Seattle via Reykjavik. It...
My first hike in The USA – PCT SoBo
Who am I and where will you be hiking? I am Miia and I am going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail from north to south starting at the end...
Goodbye PCT, Hello Colorado Trail!
A lot has changed since I last posted, including the trail I’m hiking! I restarted at Sonora Pass as planned the day after my last post. Between the elevation change...
Seeing it thru
I’m writing right now as a means of processing and coping with the news of all California National Forest land closing due to wildfires, and as a reflection of my...
My walk through Washington
As a semi-recent college graduate with two degrees, one in the natural sciences and one in the humanities, I figured I would present my experience walking through Washington state on...
“The worst day on trail is better than the best day in town.”
Have you ever had a person, maybe a friend or a partner, that you just can’t seem to stay mad at? They frustrate you or annoy you but no matter...