Day 70: Almost Heaven
I’ve never had a day on the AT yet where I didn’t feel like hiking. Every day so far, I’ve woken up excited to get my miles and to see...
My favorite delusion!
Welcome to my AT blog This is my first AT blog for TheTrek, or as I am calling it, 'My favorite delusion'. I say delusional because TBH undertaking this adventure...
The End of My Walk Has Been Hard to Sum Up
Hey all, It has been a long time since my last post. Good thing this isn't my job, cause I would have missed a few deadlines. I had a feeling...
A 70-Mile Section Hike on the Bay Area Ridge Trail: Long Distance Hiking in San Francisco’s Backyard
Training to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) last year, I walked up and around Twin Peaks in San Francisco. Blue trail signs dotted my route. I was immediately intrigued...
Saying NO So You Can Say YES
Only Child Syndrome Selfishness is not exactly foreign to me. I was raised an only child and let's just say I have not yet completely grown out of the inability to...
Backpacks and Gear: REI doesn’t know everything about gear
Before I successfully did a Southbound thru hike of the Appalachian Trail, I as most people bought plethora of gear at REI. For many of us hikers, gear is like...
Paul Walks On: Epilepsy On the Appalachian Trail
Recently, a heartbroken woman contacted the Dirtbag Diaries with a story about a man who waited just a little bit too long to chase a dream. Paul remained indefinitely stuck...
Gear Review: REI Joule 23 Women’s Sleeping Bag
The REI Joule 23 is my pick for the #1 Women's Sleeping Bag for thru hikers.
So Much Shopping: A Journal Entry
February 15th, 2015 My friend L and I visited REI today to get her fitted for a pack and check out some gear for a volunteer program she recently got...
New Year, New Gear
Shalom friends! Happy New Year to you all! I hope everyone had a safe and happy time ringing in the New Year. I had a very distracted one because I...