Days 93-100! The Virginia Cruise Part 2: The Shennies
After saying our final goodbye to Charlotte, we walked back into the woods. We only had 4 miles to hike to our next family rendezvous - this time Bryces cousins,...
16 Bears Fill Up a Week in the Shennies
Other than the fact that many hikers aqua blaze through Shenandoah National Park, I didn’t know much about the Shennies before I entered the park near Rockfish Gap. I was...
Growing up Along the Appalachian Trail
As children, we have no control of where we grow up. Our parents make those decisions and we merely follow along. Although I was born in Northern Virginia, just outside...
NOBO or Bust? Barefoot Weighs His Options
With the days dwindling down this season and inclement weather looming over New England, has Barefoot Hiker thought enough about his options to finish this year?
The Shenandoah
Into the Park Sarah and Scott made Waffles the next morning! Then after a slow start (I didn't want to leave!) they drove me back to the trail where...
The History of Shenandoah National Park
During the 1920s, the National Park Service was on a campaign to create parks near the population hubs on the east coast. Great Smoky Mountains National Park was one such...
Three Important Black Bear Safety Tips
In which your humble narrator confronts an uppity Shenandoah black bear who has decided to move into his tent.
Into Autumn
Bard receives a new reputation while he hikes along with the G.C.F.G through the Shenandoahs and most of Virginia. The summer is dwindling and we've finally walked into a cool...
Hiker Trash Turned River Rats
The idea of aquablazing has intrigued me from the start. It seemed like something that would be a nice change of pace to break up the hike a little bit....
Leaving home in less than 3 weeks which means after 14 months of planning and preparatory activity it is almost time for the main event! Last year did some get...