What’s In a Name? (Part 2) How They Earned Their Trail Names
Hi, everyone. Due to the outpouring of new stories and feedback from the community, I have gone ahead and included as many more fun and interesting trail name stories in...
She Went Hiking on the Appalachian Trail and You’re Never Going to Believe What Happened Next…
Before omnipresent devices encroached upon our lives, I had never entered the backcountry with any technology other than a flashlight and a camera. (And by technology, I mean a couple...
Finding the sweet spot
There's an ever expanding aspect of thru hiking that has directly connected us to the rest of the real world. Technology has brought the world to us at the tip of...
3 Reasons I’m Thru-Hiking Without My Phone
"You're bringing your phone, right?" It's one of the most common questions a relative, friend, or some combination of the two will ask during 'the talk'--when I explain to them...
11 Gadgets and Apps for Your Thru-Hike
Gear on the AT is always a topic of conversation among hikers whether they're former, current, or aspiring thru hikers. From sleep systems to sock brands there's something out there...
One of the most challenging things for me while hiking will almost-definitely-maybe be the lack of readily available technological perks. I mean, I was just sitting here wondering which movies...
3 Worthwhile Gadgets for Backpackers
Some people begin their Appalachian Trail journey intending “to have a digital detox” or “to replace staring at screens with staring at stars”. Other hikers prefer to find a balance...