
Days 71-79 Woods Hole to Daleville

Days 71-79 Woods Hole to Daleville

Leaving Woods Hole was so hard. Plus it was raining. We finally tore ourselves away, consoling ourselves that we only had 11 miles to do that day. Since we resupplied...

May 31, 2022 : Pinky and The Brain
Into Autumn

Into Autumn

Bard receives a new reputation while he hikes along with the G.C.F.G through the Shenandoahs and most of Virginia. The summer is dwindling and we've finally walked into a cool...

Sep 15, 2015 : C.M. Pagels
Lost in Virginia

Lost in Virginia

This post is extremely embarrassing to write, but this short story has to be told.... First off, I'm a pretty cocky hiker. I used to take pride in the fact...

Jun 5, 2015 : Jennifer Williams