The Trek Bloggers
The following awesome people are the official bloggers of the The Trek. In other words, they’re the renegade trail-folk who will be blogging their thru-hikes right here on Their job is to be adventurous and share their experiences in vivid detail. Our job is to live vicariously and envy their existence.
Want to be a Trek Blogger? You can: apply here.
Want to write for this site, but aren’t thru-hiking? We’re always looking for more backpackers with a passion for writing. Find out more about the The Trek Writers.
I am a thru-hiker who's been stuck in the body of a bar manager for 7 years. After getting fired from my job in December I realized I had the opportunity to go hike the Appalachian Trail 2021. As a Pole Dance teacher and student I hope to bring my love for Aerial Art to the trail. I call it "Tree-Pole". I love going into the woods on a hike and finding that perfect tree to dance with and use aerially for tricks! It's just fun and I like to have fun! Also, if you get anything stuck in a tree I'll gladly get it down! I am a cat lover, goldfish eatin', sucker for candy, orange juice drinkin', peanut butter lickin', old soul in the body of a 27 year old. Get to know me and follow my Adventures Of A Wild Jocelot!
Ahhhh!! Where do I begin? I'm a hiker (obviously) who is also a student, runner, traveler (and much, much more!). I crave stories - both creating my own and hearing others' - and I'm going to be hiking the Colorado Trail this year after a perfect storm mixed together and somehow landed me the perfect time slot and money (thank you, government stimulus check) to walk 500 miles!! See you all out there in the canyon/ forest/ mountain, etc!!
I'm Alice! I'm a first-generation Asian-American, soon-to-be Navy veteran, avid reader, beer enthusiast, cat mom, and connoisseur of snacks. I roll Nat 1's with great regularity on my in-real-life Dexterity Saving Throws. PCT NOBO 2021.
aka Monkey Toes! When my toes aren't numb from hiking, I can use them to tie shoelaces and turn door knobs. I thru-hiked the AT in 2021 and am already planning for my next type 2 fun adventure.
Hiya Hikers! In the Spring of 2021, I sold most of my possessions, including my condo and wheels, resigned from my career in banking and set off on my first thru-hike. After completing the Appalachian Trail later that year, I landed a contract to live and work in Antarctica which is where I’ve been for the last year! I brought all my gear with me knowing I’d be in New Zealand when my contract ended, and that’s where I am today; hiking New Zealand’s ‘Te Araroa’ SoBo! Thanks for reading and if you'd like to follow along on my adventures, please follow me on IG @annemariesphere.
Hey I'm Austin! A 30 year old guy living in BC that loves snowboarding, climbing and most importantly hiking! I have lived all over the province finding cool outdoor related jobs. I will be hiking the Great Divide Trail (GDT) through July and August and raising money for the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. Feel free to check out the fundraising page at
They/them. Chaos emerald. AT 2021 Flip Flopper. Bad brain. Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name.
When I was three years old and prowling the local playground, growling at other children, my mother would have to apologize on my behalf to the other parents. “She’s not mean, she just thinks she is a dragon.” So yeah, you could say I have taken the unconventional path through life from the very start!
A quirky, West Texas native with wandering and writing in her blood, watch me juggle both as I hike the PCT beginning April 10th, 2021!
Hey there! I'm Bryce. A dude trying to crack a few smiles and stay stoked on the little things. My preferred methods of wasting time revolve around surfing, hiking, climbing, reading, thrifting, and wandering. Thanks for following along as I stumble my way NOBO on the PCT. I hope you find it authentic and interesting. Cheers!
I am avid about the outdoors and spend as much time as possible exploring. I have been backpacking, mountaineering, rock climbing, kayaking etc for years. I hope to complete a long time goal of thru hiking the PCT this year.
Hey everyone! My name is Chad Thome. I am 47 and I have been an avid hiker for many years. My son got me into thru hiking in 2016. This journey goes from 2016 jumping to 2021 for part 2 of this trip. Transporter is my trail name. I got this because I had a 35 pound pack with no food or water in it yet at the start. Adding in food and water, this brought my pack total to over 45 pounds. This is a lot, as you know or will soon see!!! My son and I got all of our backpack gear together for the thru hike attempt in 2016. This is crazy what you think you need in a backpack doing this from home, compared to what you actually need on trail. I spent 1000s of hours becoming a YouTube expert. Only to find out I learned nothing. We started the 1rst week of May 2016. We froze walking in ankle to knee deep snow in the Smokies, hung many PCT method food bags (throw rope over tree limb, snap rope into carabiner attached to food bag. You then pull to the tree limb, wrap a twig into the line as high as you can reach and slowly let go. The limb stops the bag) We endured many miles and ended up in Daleville VA around 730+ miles in. We hiked around 30 miles further, when my wife called and said the house sold and that was the end of my journey, so I headed back to Daleville, VA for a flight home days later. My son finished the thru hike in 2016 whos trail name was Radar. My wife did the exact miles and journey in 2017. My wife and I came back to the trail in 2021 for a LASHER hike. This is really long section hike. Life allowed this one opportunity (never pass these up) for us to hike as couple, so we grabbed it. Hope to meet another 100-200 amazing people as we did hiking in 2016. Look forward to talking to everyone.
My name is Theresa and my son's name is Chance; we're also known as Chicken (Chance) and Dumplin (Theresa). You can find us on Instagram and Facebook. We've been hiking for about 3 years and have cut our trail teeth on the Pinhoti Trail here in Alabama. We have often discussed the desire to go north, dreaming and daring to believe that we could complete the AT. Lord willing and the creek don't rise, 2021 is our year!
Hi, I'm Chris, trail name Slowride. I started hiking in 2008 because I needed a new hobby and needed to get out of a rut. I ended up really digging being outside in nature and just hiking all day and still do. I also love heavy metal music and live concerts.
Hello!! My name is Chris and I plan on hiking the AT starting on March 14 2021....assuming the world doesn't end before then. I am currently wrapping up a 24 year career in the Coast Guard and will be using the AT to springboard me back into the real world. I currently live in Rhode Island (Go Rhody) and will be moving back to South Florida after the hike.
Hi, I’m Claire! But some folks know me as Marmot. I’m a thru-hiker and geographer. I’ve completed five thru-hikes so far, and when I’m not on trail I study the interactions between hikers and their environments. I hike for the people, the wildflowers, and surprisingly the food. Follow my blog for my takes on the trail, local histories, fun ecology facts, gourmet backpacking bites, and of course, the best coffee along the way.
Active Duty Army Captain, recently diagnosed with terminal brain cancer; hiking the Appalachian Trail IOT to instill perseverance and hope in others.
Hi, I'm Dan. I am hiking the PCT in 2021. I hope I get a cool trail name. I hope I don't get lost. To read more subscribe directly to my feed on The Trek, or go to
I am a nature-loving being who loves to relax and just be. I am working on my people skills, so doing a NoBo thru-hike is probably the best way to get started. I love ruins, coffee, and will risk my life rescuing turtles from the road. Sober since May 2006. Amazon Link! :)
I plan on starting my thru-hike of the AT on April 17th. My company has granted me a 6 month sabbatical to complete the trail. I am an Environmental Engineer who loves backpacking. I have done portions of the Florida, Ice Age, Colorado, Appalachian, & Continental Divide trails. I have about 400 total miles of backpacking experience under my belt and hope to add 2200 after I finish the AT. If I finish the AT early enough, I may just complete the remaining portion of the Long trail for fun.
Just a girl who likes to hike and camp. Acute care PT from Birmingham, AL --> PCT thru hiker
I'm Wildlife, and while my GWL was unsuccessful, I did complete my triple crown in 2021! My standard poodle, Lily, aka Muddy Boots, hiked 350+ miles with me on the AT, Washington with me on the PCT, and some miles with me on the CDT outside of Rawlins. I also backpacked the AZT in 2020. I eat a lot of cinnamon rolls...
I'm Thirteen! My hobbies include walking immeasurably long distances, binge watching classic horror films, and avoiding most human contact. I hiked SOBO in 2019 on the Appalachian Trail and became addicted to the free-flowing lifestyle. "Normal" life and "post- trail readjustment" didn't work out so well for me the first time around so this year I'll be blogging from the Benton MacKaye Trail!
AT Thru-Hiker 2021 | Washington, D.C. | Runner | Sunrise Enthusiast Cock-a-doodle doo! How do you do? My name is Faith and I recently got a chicken inked on my right calf as a nod to William Carlos William's poem, "The Red Wheelbarrow." The whole thing goes like this: So much depends, upon the red wheelbarrow, glazed with rain water, beside the white chickens. It captures the preciousness of ordinary moments, the expansive beauty amongst simple things. Despite the epic-ness of our thru-hiking adventures, we'll be doing a simple thing after all: walking, eating, sleeping, laughing, crying, being - all on the trail. My blog will try to capture the beauty of all of this. Thanks for reading. Buy the ticket, take the ride!
I'm a certified ski instructor, nature nerd, and pedestrian explorer. When I'm not walking I like to stress bake and play word games. My dearest wish is a sponsorship by Hellmann's Mayonnaise. I have never owned a cat.
Multifaceted swamp goblin doing their little bug best. Part-time hiker trash, full-time goofball. Smiles over miles, I'm here for the journey. Incredibly passionate about diversity and inclusion in all realms. I've LASH'd CT-ME on the AT ('18), SOBO'd the LT ('20), WEBO the PNT ('21), and SOBO the OCT ('21).
NYC based consultant trading my carry-on for a backpack to hike NOBO on the AT in 2021!
I'm Geri. I bike, I make maps, and I prefer to spend my days embracing nature and eating popcorn. I like my sweets with a savory kick and my beer as sour as possible. After my 2020 AT NOGO, I thru-hiked the Uinta Highline Trail and the Colorado Trail, and in 2021 I'll be hiking the PCT SOBO.
Thru-hiking the AT has been my dream since joining a backpacking club when I was in my early teens. Plans to hike in 2020 were crushed by COVID. Currently planning 2021, but had to have a hip replacement in December, and training to get my miles back up. After surviving 2 nearly deadly accidents, I am lucky and grateful to have the opportunity and physical ability to attempt this adventure. I currently live in PA in a log cabin with my husband Tom, Border Collie Mika, and XXL cat Mikey.
Hi, I'm Hannah (a.k.a. Spring). I enjoy going for long walks in the woods with my rubber duck and deciding whether my cheese is too sweaty to eat after it has sat in my pack multiple days. I am a junior in college and taking a gap semester to hike the Pacific Crest Trail. After hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2021, I absolutely fell in love with long distance backpacking and can't wait to explore another long trail.
Hi, Hola and Aloha! As an adventurer, cultural enthusiast, educator, enlightenment seeker, hiker, runner, and soul searcher, the idea of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail tickles me with delight! I grew up in Long Island, New York, and after living in California, Hawaii and Spain, and backpacking six weeks on the A.T. as a LASHER (Long-Ass-Section-Hiker), I am thrilled to explore the entirety of the trail on foot. I first experienced backpacking not far from the beautiful Redwoods of Arcata, California and this developed into a passion on the tropical paradise island of the Big Island of Hawaii. An international Fulbright Scholarship brought me to Spain and I followed my dream to live in this foreign country and have loved exploring Galicia. I traversed from Spain over the Pyrenees and into France one step at a time last summer and am thrilled to take in the vast terrain and beauty of the Eastern U.S. on foot in the spring of this year. Teaching has financed and afforded me the time to partake in all of my adventures and when I am inspiring students to be stewards of the land through the lens of science and math, I feel as if I am pursuing a passion and it fulfills me greatly. Long-distance hiking includes another enthusiasm and I eagerly anticipate a future career in which those worlds can collide. I look forward to sharing my experience and inspiring others as I celebrate this new decade of life. Happy Trails!
Hiya! The trail name is hiccups. If you were wondering...yes, I do get hiccups every day, every hour if you'd believe it. I am a former thru-hiker: AT Class of 2018, and a future thru-hiker: PCT Class of 2021. I have spent the last three years digging myself out of debt, preparing for the next thru-hike, and checking career milestones off the list for my future dream job of being a Director of Education in a National or State Park. Words cannot express how long I have waited to be dirty and sore every day again.
Hello! My name is Noël and I'm starting an AT thru-hiking adventure in April 2021. I'm thrilled to be here on The Trek and look forward to posting future trail musings, bits of advice, complaints, and philosophical ramblings for your reading pleasure!
Unfiltered hiker trash of a wizened age. Enjoys life on the backroads and long walks to the doughnut shop. Fearless until a headlamp and moths are involved. A firm believer in giving back and protecting public lands from unenlightened Cretans whilst inspiring new generations of tree-hugging hominins to respect LNT principles. Full-time RVer occasionally somewhere around Buffalo, Wyoming. - Life isn’t a box of chocolates my friends, it’s beautiful colored chaos with a “Use By” date. Be fearless. Scare yourself.
My name is Jackson. I'm a PCT thru-hiker, full-time van lifer off trail, and a lover of the outdoors. In 2021 I completed the Sierra High Route, 650 MIles of NorCal on the PCT and I'm attempting a SOBO AT hike starting at the end of August. When I'm not hiking I live in Southern Utah in my Chevy Astrovan working as an outdoor guide, eat a lot of ramen noodles and avocados, and try to play outside every day hiking, climbing, or canyoneering. My favorite vegetable is the yam because you've got to gas up the Yamborghini at dinner.
Howdy, I’m Jacob! Originally from Louisiana, I now live in Seattle. I love the outdoors, especially rock climbing. My favorite climb is the Becky Route on Liberty Bell. Fun fact: My best friend and I have matching pizza tattoos. PCT thru-hiker ‘21.
After coming down with a bad case of unemployment, the mountains started calling. I followed that feeling all the way from Pennsylvania to Montana. After a few months cutting my backpacking/hiking teeth in the Rockies, I moved back east and found a home in the Green Mountains of Vermont - just 8 miles from the AT. While the logistics of everyday life bar me from following through with Springer fever... for now, in 2021 I will be thru-hiking the New England Trail (NET) in April and the Foothills Trail in September.
My name is Janine, aka J9. I am a San Diego-based yoga teacher, and in July 2022, I will be completing a journey that began last year: a SOBO thru-hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. In July-Dec of ‘21, I walked over 2000 miles from Canada to Mexico. This year, I take on the NorCal section. I (clearly) enjoy long walks in the woods, 528hz music, podcasts, and all the small towns and people in them.
Hey there Trekkers! My name is Jenn and I'm starting a PCT thru-hike in April 2021. After living in Asia for 5 years and solo backpacking around the world for 2 years, I have changed my definition of 'backpacking' from living out of a backpack and traveling via plane, trains and motorcycles, to living out of a backpack and traveling by foot. I hope to see you on the trail!
Endurance junkie and trail runner turned thru-hiker (trail name- Luna); I am always jonesing for a hit of outdoor adventure! My awesome husband has gifted me the chance to get out and play on the Appalachian Trail, and I can't wait to experience ALL OF IT! Stop wishing. Start doing!
My name is Jenny. I am a future Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker! I love cats and dogs as if they are humans. I enjoy Mcdonalds more than I should. Hard Cider is my beverage of choice.
Hello all! My name is Jon (trail name: Repeat). I'm a free thinker/explorer of life. Born and raised in the lovely hills and country roads of West Virginia, I currently live in Tampa, FL with my lovely fiancé Erica and the best daughter ever, Olivia. My 2021 thru hike is my second go around on the Appalachian Trail, the first being in 2018, and I’m excited to share more of this experience with you guys.
Hey, I'm Josh (or Moose). I'm a fan of huge climbs (less-so the downhill after), sweeping views, and big days. In my normal life, I teach an ever shifting rotation of classes at the public school in Lytton, BC which sits at the confluence of the Thompson and Fraser Rivers. When I thru-hiked the PCT in 2018, I planned my food and resupplies for the entire trail and I loved (most of) my food until the very end; I plan to thru-hike the Great Divide Trail (GDT) this year and (hopefully) love all of my food by the end.
Two Michigan kids who are choosing to spend their first six months of marriage living in a tent. AT NOBO 2021.
I live in the Boulder, CO area where I enjoy hiking on our many Open Space trails. I live with my husband of 33 years in a too empty nest, since our daughters have flown the coop. One is studying fashion design and living the good life in Southern California and the other is attending Medical school in Philadelphia. I work PRN as an Ultrasound Tech which leaves me plenty of time to pursue my passions of traveling and enjoying nature - especially wildlife sightings. I will be going NOBO on the Appalachian Trail in 2020. (Make that 2021!) I hope to ‘celebrate’ my SIXTY FIRST birthday somewhere along the trail in late June. See you in the woods!
Midwestern heart with a West Coast spirit. Got into endurance sports due to poor sense of direction. Interests include: books. bikes. blogs. brews. (coffee & beer, in that order)
Hey friends! My name is Kaylin, but on the trail I’m known as Moxie! I’m 20 and I've lived in Maine my entire life. I’m a hiker at heart, and I’ve recently fallen in love with rock climbing. I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2019, and this year I'm hiking the Colorado Trail! It'll be my first time hiking out west and I'm psyched about it - follow along for posts and updates!
Out here trying live life to the fullest and see this beautiful earth one step at a time. Catch me on trail or meandering abroad. PCT 2020 NOGO turned PCT 2021 NOBO. Lets do this!
Hi! My name is Kim, and this summer I’ll be hiking the Vermont Long Trail NOBO with my pup and trusty hiking partner Chloe. I grew up in Western Mass, and have spent the last three summers exploring the Adirondacks, Green Mountains and White Mountains. Follow our adventures on Instagram @kim.joyce18 and for all of the puppy pics, you can find Chloe @chloebeatricebug.
First-time Thur-Hiker, Seasoned Adventurer, full-time poet (soon to be published) and soon to be Tik Tok (@harrison_smiles406) star!
Lacie is a white collar dropout from Littleton, NH. She thru hiked the AT in 2019 and will the attempting to thru hike the PCT starting March 29. She hikes an writes with a focus on mental health and wellness. Follow along here and on Instagram (TheQueenOfNewEngland)! Donations to Lacie's PCT fundraiser for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) can be made here:
Born and raised in the land of no hills, Iowa, I moved to Arizona and fell in love with the mountains. My name is Lance and I have had my own computer repair business for over 20 years. For the last 10 years, my every spare moment has been spent on trails and in the national parks of the west, soaking it all in and taking pictures. I figured age 50 is as good as time as any to call an audible and do the unexpected, hike the PCT NOBO in 2021. So, when you see a jolly dude with a white beard in Washington next year, it's not Christmas come early, but just me with a generous growth of trail whiskers.
I am a Brazilian small-town girl that has fallen in love with this crazy world. All my life I have wanted to live a big adventure, and the PCT seemed like the perfect one! I am looking forward to sharing all about this journey with you.
Lauren (she/her) goes by Woodchuck on trail. She thru-hiked the AT southbound in 2016, flip flopped on the PCT in 2017, and thru-hiked the CDT southbound in 2021. When she's not on a long walk across the country, Lauren is a full time art therapist, an artist and an ultra runner. She is also a New York State licensed outdoor guide, and co-owns West Mountain Guide Co with her partner.
Sober, coffee-loving, type 2 fun addict. Mainly here so I can eat pop tarts every morning for breakfast without feeling guilty. AT NOBO 2021.
I found out long ago, thanks Kelley for teaching me backpacking in the 80's, that I am most complete when I leave the day-to-day routine and just GO...anywhere different. I am compelled to travel, wander, on road trips, weekend getaways- always flux. That's a good and a frustrating thing! I also ponder all the possibilities of life as a seeker of wonders and a knowledge gatherer. Oh...and numbers are the bomb! Hang tight kitties and all for I'll be back later...and Hello Appalachian Trail!
Wannabe-adventurer, freelance writer and aspiring photographer with a gypsy soul. Thru-hiked Pacific Crest Trail, class of 2019, and taking on the Continental Divide Trail this year.
Hey friends. My imagination is too big for most things I’ve run into so far. I like all things nerdy and dirty. ENTP. Enneagram type 7. I’ll beat you at Harry Potter trivia. I love my cat.
I'm a 34 year old sober, queer and transgender woman (she/her). In 2021, I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail, the Bay Circuit Trail (FKT) and the Arizona Trail. I'll be thru-hiking the CDT NOBO in spring 2022. I'm a fiery Aries who runs on sour candy and caffeine. Follow my Trek!
Although I've always enjoyed the outdoors and camping trips, I am challenging myself to learn and explore more of the world! The PCT seemed like a rational first step!
Matthew Kok (they/them) is a writer and a thru-hiker currently based out of Juneau, AK. They LASHed the PCT in 2019 and thru-hiked the CDT in 2021. They've written for and write regularly for Garage Grown Gear. You can find them on Instagram @matt.kok
NY-based thru-hiker and trail runner Appalachian Trail '21
My name is Morgan, but you can call me Juicy. I am thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and I am a soon-to-be Electrical Engineer. I was born without a left hand and through my blog updates, I hope to show that hiking is something everyone can enjoy! Feel free to also follow my adventure on my personal blog or my Instagram page @baloghikes.
Hi there! My name is Nadia Fenay. I am a 29-year-old who finally decided to start living the life I've always wanted. After ten years of working myself to death in sales and management, I've chosen to change my life in every way possible. I'm currently a student at the University of South Florida pursuing a degree in sustainable studies. The trail is my biggest step towards living with a new purpose. I will be NOBO thru-hiking the AT beginning early February and I am so ready for this adventure! Thanks for following along on my journey!
Hey everyone! My name is Liv. My partner, Ryan, and our pup, Parker, will be parking our converted camper van and embarking on a 2021 AT Thru Hike starting in March. I'm looking forward to sharing our experiences on trail with you all as you read about our journey. Stay tuned!
Perry Winters is a fine art, landscape, and adventure photographer living and working in the US. Having grown up in the Roan Highlands of Appalachia, he acquired a deep sense of curiosity and reverence for the natural world, and as a photographer and outdoorsman, he's had the opportunity to share with others his adventures and travels far and wide. He currently resides in Johnson City, Tennessee. In March of 2021, he will be embarking on his first thru-hike: The Appalachian Trail.
Howdyyyyy! I'm Rachel aka Sassafast and I'm a New England native who spends her time running, skiing, biking, kombucha brewing, and trying to tire out her dog. I walked from Washington to California on the Pacific Crest Trail before having to end my journey due to wildfire closures. Now, I’m headed northbound on the Colorado Trail ??
I'm a recent college grad who figured if I couldn't walk at graduation, I could at least walk from Mexico to California. I love anything outdoors, especially running, climbing, and hiking. Super excited for a NOBO PCT starting in March!
I'm a Minnesota native currently living in Denver. I've been gradually leveling up my hiking game from short day hikes to backcountry overnighters. I began section hiking the Colorado Trail in 2020 and hope to complete it over a few years. In 2021, I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail. I love figuring out how to balance my full-time work life with a lot of hiking, camping, and backpacking.
Hey there, I’m Sam! I’m a born and bred Midwesterner, aspiring AT thru-hiker, and future attorney. Catch me NOBO on the Trail in spring 2021!
My name is Sandra, I'm from Paris and now live in the french Alps. I spent nearly 10 years being bored working for large international companies, but made the best move by leaving everything behind so I can now spend most of my time in the outdoors. I planned for an AT thru-hike at the same time COVID made us stay home so instead I hiked closer to home, in the Alps, the Vosges and into the Carpathians on the Slovak and Polish border. My best hiking memory is still in Tanzania where I reached the summit of Kilimanjaro. Next adventure : Hiking in the wild along the Vjosa River in Greece and Albania.
Sarah here but you can call me Scooch! I am currently preparing to restart my Appalachian Trail Thru hike that was paused due to covid! I was going solo when I originally started but this time it will be myself and my Australian shepherd puppy named Tater Tot! We can't wait to share our adventures on the trail with you!
I’m an AT SOBO of ‘21 from Brooklyn. Also a registered architect in New York. Also also a proud Asian-American hoping to inspire more like me to come out here.
I have always loved outdoor adventures and in the last 3 years I've been going after the "bucket list." I've enjoyed thru-hiking the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Superior Hiking trails; solo kayaking the whole Mississippi, St. Croix, and Namekogan Rivers; bicycling across America from Pacific to Atlantic, around Lake Superior, and along the Mississippi river trail from Lake Itasca, MN to Venice, LA. and many other smaller adventures. I'm looking forward to through hiking the Continental Divide Trail this year.
I am Sue (aka Snaphappy), an older hiker meandering along through life and around the world. I have many loves in my life including my family and grandkids, my many years as a Midwife helping women have their babies, traveling to the many unique corners of the world, and rambling around the White Mountains of New Hampshire (where I live) with my favorite camera in tow. I’ve been fortunate to have traveled and hiked in many wonderful places in the world and loved every step along the way. I’m meandering along on the PCT now, so if you happen to find yourself looking into the business end of my camera lens, give a smile and a wave, and point the way north! Please join me on The Trek, and to see more of my life, photos, and past adventures, you can find me at
Sparky is a writer and outdoor enthusiast from Florida thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2021. As a recent graduate of the University of Florida, Sparky hopes to work in public interest communications and push for environmental and social change. When she isn’t on the trail, you can catch Sparky at your local coffee shop or vegan cafe. Happy trails!
Hi, I'm Steve from NJ, an aspiring AT 2021 NOBO thru-hiker! Since my recent retirement from the IT world, I have been reinventing myself thru travel, writing, painting, and very long walks. "Please pardon our appearance while we redecorate..."
My name is Sydney. I am a hiking enthusiast living in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. I am headed out on my thru-hike of the AT in 2021. You can follow my journey here and on Instagram!
Greetings from Arkansas, the Natural State! I am a postponed 2020 AT NOBO thru-hiker turned dedicated 2021 AT NOBO thru-hiker! Starting April 10. Trail name yet to be determined. See y'all out there!
Terri is an author, coach, speaker, sport psychology consultant and ultra-endurance athlete. A former 10-year professional triathlete focusing on the IRONMAN® distance, she expanded her challenges to include adventure racing with the inception of the Eco Challenge in 1995, as well as ultrarunning and mountaineering. Terri earned a degree in exercise physiology as well as a master’s degree in sport psychology with a research emphasis on risk taking and team dynamics. While Santa Cruz, CA and Burlington, WA, remain her home bases, she spends time each year volunteering in Bhutan while continuing to explore and adventure around the globe. Terri looks forward to celebrating her 60th birthday on the Pacific Crest Trail this summer. For more information, visit
HI, I'm Jennifer AKA Thin Mint. This April I'll be leaving the "real world" and setting out to thru hike the PCT. I'm a 2010 AT thru hiker, a world traveler, finance nerd who likes to cook, drink cheap wine, and loves a good deal. Follow me as I step out of the rat race and in to another adventure of a lifetime.
I am trying to learn more about being a human and being Indigenous through what truly connects us to this world: nature. I am on a healing journey and I am excited to make my way through many lands to learn from my ancestors and our greatest relatives.
I’m Vinny, AKA “Slice”. 2016 Appalachian Trail NOBO, 4/3 to 9/24. 2021 Pacific Crest Trail NOBO starting 4/11. Come join me for shenanigans and tomfoolery, won't you?
My name is Casey and in 2021 I'm going to be doing something I never thought I'd get the chance to do. I'm going to attempt to thru hike the Appalachian Trail. The timing is perfect for me to do this because I don't own a home, have a relationship. I don't really have anything keeping me here in Michigan and will have no problems being away from home for six months. My goal with hiking this trail is to figure out exactly what I want to do in life and where I want to go. I need to figure out how I can make backpacking my life because it is the one thing that keeps me grounded and my one true passion. I feel very lost in life and I can't wait to discover myself on this journey.
I’ve been mostly a daughter, mostly a wife, and mostly a Mom. Now I’m mostly me. I have been on tremendous journeys emotionally and spiritually, and am now completing the trinity with a physical adventure. I am embarking on my first thru hike this April. As the PCT moves closer and is no longer a far off vision I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the unknown that lies ahead. I’m looking forward to sharing “raw footage” as I travel, the good, bad and the ugly!! Stay tuned!
My name is Wes but my trail name is Cap'n, as in, "Oh Cap'n, my Cap'n!" I write and I hike. I also do other stuff but I'm not as good at those things. I'm going to be a high school English teacher once I'm done with this crazy 2,200 mile walk thing. I also like dogs but then again who doesn't? Check out my personal website at
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