The Long Road Walk (ECT Days 25-27)
C-34 Canal to Partin Settlement Road (Day 25)
- Hiked Today: 16.5 miles (The Florida Trail)
- Total Hiked: 473.5 miles
- Total Paddled: 99.5 miles
Yesterday at the junction of the two paths around Orlando (east or west), I started up the western way. That kicked off with about 11 miles along Canoe Creek Road. Today and the next few days would be more road walk; that’s just what this part of the “trail” is. In total, this chunk is over 60-miles of roadside walking.
Originally, I was planning to keep things moving. I had booked one night at a hotel, but still hoped to get miles in each day. That all changed today; I finally relented and am giving in to the fact that I need to deal with these blisters! 10 days of foot pain ain’t right.
Every time I start to think I got it figured out and my feet are getting better, the blisters return or new ones pop up. I’ve developed this habit that whenever I stop and rest, starting up again begins with a substantial hobble until my body adjusts and let’s me walk somewhat normal. So yeah, I need to do something.
What to do? For starters, I decided to take a zero day. I booked a few nights using my credit card points at the classic Holiday Inn Express (I had hoped to save these, but hey, I need them now!). And, I ordered a pair of Injinji toe socks to give those a try. My friends swear by them. A loyal Darn Tough sock fan, I’ve just never had problems before, so never gave them a shot. We’ll see.
I am also going to be doing less miles each day, taking more breaks, and generally just walking at a slower pace until I hopefully can get a handle on this! The whole scheme to try and make the FTA Trail Fest seems silly now, and I’m excited to go at a pace that’s more reasonable for me.
Part of me was frustrated about this decision… the stubborn side of me. Sometimes it’s hidden, but there’s a competitive side of me that I’ve learned is an important part of my thru-hiking experience. It’s likely a big part of why I’m out here taking on the 6,000 mile challenge of the ECT. That being said, the other part of me that’s out here to enjoy being in nature, curious about all the things, taking time to be with other hikers and folks… that’s more important to me. So, a more balanced approach going forward!
Thinking back on my experiences hiking other long trails, I had similar moments of clarity early on in the journey. These were times of understanding that I needed rest before moving on. On the Pacific Crest Trail, I took zero days in Idyllwild (Day 16) and in Big Bear (Day 22), and on the Continental Divide Trail, I needed a break in Silver City (Day 11) and at the Toaster House (Day 23). All of these times, I moved on afterwards with a renewed pep in my step… remembering this comforted me. It’s a long long journey I’m on, so good to stop and regroup here!

The past several days have been cold for Florida and I think this morning was the lowest temps, with frost on the grass. My fingerless gloves weren’t cutting it.

The morning started out on a busy road, but with farms on each side mostly. Later in the day was full on suburbia.
Partin Settlement Road to Holiday Inn Express Davenport (Day 26)
- Hiked Today: 21 miles (The Florida Trail)
- Total Hiked: 494.5 miles
- Total Paddled: 99.5 miles
Normally if I am staying in a hotel on trail, I try to maximize my time there, checking in as early as possible and checking out as late as possible. I had to hike more than 20-miles to a different hotel before I could zero (0 miles hiked) though, so I got going early in the morning.
I split my day up into three chunks… hotel to Dunkin, Dunkin to Dollar General (DG) for resupply, and then DG to my new hotel. Pretty uneventful stuff, so I’ll keep er short…

Reminded me of perspective drawing in high school art class. I always liked trying to make those with all lines converging towards the vanishing point.
Started Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert
Zero Day at The Holiday Inn
Oh what a glorious day this was. I rested and lounged about, got organized and cleaned up, looked ahead at what’s coming up on trail, schemed for what to do to fix my feet, got caught up on the blogs, and caught up with some fam back home.
The only outing I made today was to Target, which looked closer, but having to wrap around some busy highways and on ramps made it feel long. It was a successful supplemental supply stop, the main purchase being new ear buds. I sadly lost mine somewhere in the past few days, but they were cheap and kind of shoddy anyways. I’m trying Bluetooth ones this time as opposed to the old school cord connected style.
While out and about on my Target mission, I also went into 4 different stores looking for new shoes to try. None had a good fit. I did have success in finding Cici’s Pizza Buffet though! While absolutely devouring slice after slice, I was texting with my good friend Cheer. She suggested Topos shoes as having a wide toe box. I am kind of at a loss for what to do about my Brooks Calderas not working for me anymore after five years of being my go-to shoe, so I thought why not? I ordered a pair through REI to be shipped up ahead and will see how they fit.
Walking back to my hotel, I ran into Trip, another FT hiker. We chatted right there along the loud super road and realized we’ve both been dealing with the same feet problems since the swamp. It was comforting knowing I’m not alone in this struggle. Alas, we went our separate ways, but it seems we might meet again having both shipped stuff ahead to the same next town. It’d be nice to start hiking around others!

Not much has changed in the Holiday Inn Express breakfast spread in the past 10-15 years. I’m not complaining!
Out of town and back on trail again tomorrow! Are the tides changing once again? 😎
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Comments 7
Ya, better to slow down & heal up & to enjoy the trail & places & people & yourself!
I’m glad you’re taking care of your feet. They are pretty important piece of equipment. I hope changing socks and shoes and walking strategy gives results quickly. You can’t enjoy much if you’re in constant pain and there is too much effort going into this endeavor not to enjoy it!
Hey man I’m enjoying your blog and I hope you are doing well. It was nice meeting you on the trail in Withlacoochee the other day. I’ll be keeping up with your adventures and maybe I’ll see you on the trail. – Ross
“modest”: being aware of one’s limitations.
There’s nothing to prove to anyone but your-
self. Sometimes a little rest does a body a world
of good.
Taking time for r&r when you’re hurting is a good idea. Listen to your body.
I’ve been reading other FT blogs recently. Most of them had foot problems after the swamp. I’m guessing the constant wet and muck stretched everyone’s shoes and ruined the insoles so they are no longer supportive or fit right.
Thanks for the blogs. Bob (Sabio Viejo) and I met you in the nasty cold days just before Kissimmee. Thanks for the trail intelligence to get us through that section and glad the ranger was not right about waist deep water.
People who never get blisters on any other trail, always seem to get blisters on the Florida Trail. Part of it is that your feet are always wet and it’s always humid. Yes, road walks do seem to wear shoes out a lot faster. I love my Injinji liner toe socks and try to change to my dry pair of darn toughs when I take a break. The wet ones dry nicely pinned on my backpack. It seems to help. Look forward to following your adventures!
Try some cornstarch on your feet. Will keep them incredibly dry and blister free.