The Night Before the Calendar Year Triple Crown
This morning we were all up bright and early, headed to the ferry. We left Ft Meyers around 8am and began our journey south to Key West! The ferry would take about 5 hours in total and was really beautiful. It was a foggy start to the day and everyone was exhausted. Last night we all only managed a few hours of sleep. Luckily I slept for most of the boat ride. Then woke up just in time to catch some views before we arrived.
Once we got into Key West I was immediately so excited. The weather was perfect and spirits were high. Seven of us hikers made our way through town trying to figure out what to do next. I can’t officially start hiking until tomorrow, on January 1st. So we have a day to kill. We headed to grab some food and just relax. It was Caboose, Nana Man, Long Shot, Lemon, Mama’s Girl, and myself. Then almost as soon as we arrived we were joined by another hiker, Matcha. All of us grabbed something to eat and had a great time. It felt so nice to be surrounded by friends before the start of such a long journey.
After we ate lunch we actually saw another hiker, Punisher. I’d heard of him but we’d never actually met before. And he is attempting to do the exact same route as me this year! Potentially even longer, depending on his plans. He will be only the second guy to attempt or complete the trek. It’s such a beautiful coincidence that someone else will be embarking on the same journey. Hopefully our paths will cross alot this year.
By the time we wrapped up eating we were able to head through town and check into a room. Originally we were all planning on stealing somewhere in town. But with it being New Year’s Eve, it seemed like a better move to just split a room 7 ways. It was still a little expensive but well worth it. Especially since we all still need our rest. We got checked in and headed straight to the pool. Which was quite literally right on the water with amazing ocean views. It felt like an absolute dream. Swimming in the pool, looking out at the ocean, in Key West on New Year’s Eve, surrounded by friends.
We enjoyed the day and lounged at the room. Then had a hearty dinner before calling it a night. Tomorrow morning I’ll be heading back over to the southernmost point to officially begin the border to border calendar year triple crown. And I could not be more excited. This year is going to be filled with more magic than I could ever even imagine. I just know it.
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Comments 18
Good luck PL – so excited for you. I’ll be here supporting you from afar. Happy New Year 🎊
I never knew there was a ferry to KW! That sounds like a much more enjoyable way to get there, versus driving over all of those bridges. Is it a car ferry?
Good luck on your venture, hopefully it all goes as planned. Happy New Year!
Looking forward to following your adventure! I don’t know if are aware but Florida State parks won’t turn away hikers even if they are full. Be safe and stay healthy.
Enjoy the start of your epic journey! I’m grateful to be able to follow along.
Congratulations on your new embarkment! Been following you for the last 2 years, and I’m looking forward to all your new adventures. Best wishes for health, safety and happiness in your 2025 adventure!
When you make it to NY I will buy you an ice cream at the Creamery. Just let me know.
One step at a time, one day at a time, many States one after another, and a country just waiting for all your adventures! Good luck, Peg! Peace and a Happy New Year full of exploration and wonderful fellow trekking friends and supporters.
SOOOO EXCITED & cannot wait to be tagging along! Be well & safe out there!
Excited to follow you for journey #3. My LASH hike got delayed by a cancer dx., which was a miracle in disquise, as my exit plan was Asheville, NC on Sept. 28th. Hello Hurticane Helene. So in 2025, I will ease back to hiking training by doing the West Highland Way in Scottland, then start the delayed LASH on the AT again. Maybe I’ll see you out there.
So excited for you & for me to be able to read all about it! Have a great time!!
Thanks for letting me hike vicariously through you! God speed and stay safe!
If anyone can do it, it’s you! You just have to keep all your body parts functioning. Lo9king forward to the journey.
Wishing all of you well! I’m looking forward to following along!
Cool! I really enjoyed following your CDT hike and looking forward to your updates! I wish I knew you worked at McGillans, it’s my favorite bar. We would have loved to have met you!
I love how Nana Man doesn’t change his style, it’s iconic.
And wow,.. everyone is pumped for this, I can only imagine how pumped you are compared to us. Best of luck!
Very exciting!! Very happy for you!!
Very exciting!! Very happy for you!!