Trail Angels and Tough Temperatures

This morning we actually slept in at the RV! I woke up briefly around 5am. Then fell back asleep until a little after 6am. It was still raining fairly heavily at this point. So we weren’t in a big rush to get moving.

Eventually we got packed up and ready to go. Then said goodbye to Winston and the kitty cat. We were back to walking around 7am. At this point it was still quite cold out and raining lightly. I wore my Sambob alpha 90 top and bottoms under my rain gear. The rain wasn’t too heavy which was great. And as the morning went on it got lighter and lighter.

Punisher up ahead along the bike path.

We were on a road briefly, then got into a bike path for the rest of the day. The trail veered off at one point but we stayed on the bike path. This will bring us right through Keystone Heights, rather than taking a more round about route around it. That means we’ll shave some mileage off and be able to go even further for the day.

The path was cold and rainy to start out the day.

Last night I got in touch with a trail angel Janie. She offered to let us stay at her home tonight so that we’re not out in the cold. How wonderful! We actually met when I came through toward the end of 2023. I saw her on a road walk as I was making my way out of town. We talked briefly and she was super nice. It will be very cool to see her again. And it’s just nice knowing we have a set destination of where we’ll be ending our day.

Drinking a Mountain Dew on the road walk.

After the while the rain stopped entirely. But it was still super cold so I kept my rain gear on. I even used my montbell waterproof gloves which are awesome! They are so light, but kept me really warm. And the rain jacket and pants are fantastic as well. The montbell windstopper rain jacket has impressed me in more ways than I could have imagined. One of my favorite features so far are the two large chest pockets. On cold days I can keep my hands in there to stay warm. And it’s also really comfortable to have my hands held in the pockets, rather than dangling at my side.

Big oak trees surrounding the bike path.

Around 9:45am we passed a trash can and got to drop some stuff off. We both packed out a Mountain Dew from the RV to drink along the walk. Mountain Dew hits different on trail. It’s so sugary and loaded with caffeine. Then we walked for another couple  of hours before stopping off for the first time.

I really enjoyed the little bridges that we crossed over throughout the day. It added a little spice to the regular paved path.

Right around noon the bike path went right by a gas station and dollar general. So we headed into the Circle K to grab something quick. I got a chocolate milk and 2 little burrito wrap things. Then we sat outside to eat. While I was outside Punisher was finishing up inside. And apparently everyone in there was asking about what we’re doing. When we came out, an older woman came out behind him. Then asked us how we were doing, and wound up giving us $50! Just to help out and make sure we’re eating and what not. It’s so incredible how kind and generous people have been this year in Florida. Every little bit just helps us every day on this long journey.

The bike path went right by this gas station where we stopped off for some lunch.

Before we left there I grabbed a donut to eat on the road. Then we got back to walking. We still had a ways to go to get to Keystone Heights. But the time flew by as we walked the nice flat bike path. I even got a little bit of work done and then talked to my mom for a while. She’s doing really good now after her car accident. She was quite sore for the first week after. But is feeling alot better now.

A big ole donut.

As the day continued on I coordinated a bit more with Janie, who we’ll be staying with tonight. Just to gauge where she was located and stuff like that. Then we did a little math and determined we’d be getting there around 5pm. It will be a 27-30 mile day depending on where we get I picked up. Which is perfect!

Some large oak trees just off the path.

That means tomorrow we’ll definitely be in range to make it to the Lake Butler post office before it closes for the day. I have my next pair of shoes there, along with some Mountain House meals! And Punisher has a bunch of meals there too. It will be good to get in before they close so that we don’t have to wait for the post office to open the next morning.

The next couple hours which remained for the day were nice and easy. My body feels really good! We just continued along the bike path. Still bundled up in our alpha layers and rain gear. It’s warmed up a bit, but is still dang cold. If I have my hands outside of my pockets for too long it they get pretty hard to use.

A really pretty section of the bike path.

Just before 4pm our route brought us right past a Taco Bell. So we headed inside for an early dinner. This Taco Bell was actually brand new and everyone inside was so nice and efficient. I ordered on the screen kiosk, and when I went to pick up my order for “Peg L” the guy smiled and said “Peg Leg?” That was a trip, and he didn’t even press the conversation much further. He just told us to have a good day. I can only assume that he either reads the blogs or has seen my videos? Because there’s no way a random person would make that guess off of “Peg L”.

We ate inside and then only had another 4 miles to go for the day. We walked down to where the bike path crossed over a main road. Then Janie came and picked us up to bring us back to her place. She was so nice and it was cool to see her again! Our paths only crossed briefly last time I was down here. She brought us back to her place and showed us around. It had everything we could possibly need and then some.

The little place where we got to stay for the night.

This building had everything you could need.

It’s going to be another cold night, so it will be great to sleep indoors with some heat! I got a bunch of video work done which was amazing. My week 3 YouTube video will be live when I post this blog! So check that out if you’re interested @madisonblagden. Then Punisher and I watched a movie to finish off the day. We wound up doing 29 miles today, which was perfect to set ourselves up for Lake Butler tomorrow before the post office closes.

The throne! Aka the composting toilet on the property. 

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Comments 5

  • Wendy : Jan 23rd

    It should be warning up a little for you by Saturday this week as it will be for us in north Alabama/Muscle Shoals. We are getting through a cold snap this week. But you are heading into more wintry weather as you get further out of Florida going north until about end of March. Then spring is here again.

  • Lin (LaBrit) : Jan 23rd

    Omg – this is such an awesome post. I just love the blessings you have received over the last 650+++ miles. I just love the trail community ❤️ So glad to hear your mum is better now. LOVE that throne 😂. You are killing it out there! Super duper proud of you!

  • Jimmy Jenkins : Jan 23rd

    So happy for you that your body adjusted so soon to this rigorous routine.
    I hope your mom continues to improve.
    When the guy identified you as Peg Leg and was cool about it; that was refreshing.

  • Steve : Jan 24th

    You are making good time to be already past palatka. When you cross highway 98 near Medart, just remember that Angelo’s Seafood is about 7 miles south, at the bay. One of my favorite places. I think most of the motels in the area are also south in the same general direction.

    I remember last time you posted about liking Bobo’s. I tried them but wasn’t too impressed. If you should encounter Sunbelt Bakery soft baked fruit bars, they are really good especially the blueberry.

    If you pass by a Publix supermarket, they have really good subs and chicken wings in the deli.

    Happy trails.

  • Ronald L Mittelman : Jan 24th

    Another great day on the trail. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear your Mom is on the mend. Very good news.!!

    Keep up the good work. you’re killing it.!! I’m in awe.


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