Trail Correspondents Episode #14: Grouping on the Trail
In today’s show, our hikers discuss the evolution of their hiking groups over the course of their journeys. Injuries occur, people grow apart, paces differ, life happens. You get to learn the ins and outs of how and why this happens directly from the mouths of our hikers. Also, we say farewell to another of our trail correspondents. You’ll get to hear who’s getting off- and why- at the end of our hikers’ updates.
In today’s show, we hear from:
- Jacob Beaver
- Kate Mueller aka Sassafras
- Madeline Newel
- Miles Bisher aka “Miles To Go”
- Kate Emmons
- Lukas Isaacson
- Sarah Mowery
- Rachael “Rabbit” DeLano
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A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Sawyer Products.
A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Gregory Gardner, Kate Hurley, Clint “DuctTape” Sherbet, Peter Leven
Episode produced by Pauly Boy Shallcross. Check out his coffee roaster, Old Man Murph’s. Music via.
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Comments 1
Thanks for doing this! What does the episode schedule look like for the rest of the season?