Trail Days 2016
Trail Days 2016
Trail Days is the Appalachian Trail’s biggest, baddest, bestest, hiker trashiest festival of the year. If you love the Appalachian Trail and its culture, Trail Days is 100% your jam.
What: The 30th annual festival celebrating the Appalachian Trail way of life. Highlights include a hiker parade, talent show, gear giveaways, parties, food, craft, and gear vendors, and a densely packed field of hikers, lovingly known as “tent city”. Get the full schedule of events here.
When: Friday, May 13th – Sunday, 15th, 2015.
Where: Damascus, Virginia
Why: Why not?
Who: You, if you’re smart.
Thru-Hiker Prom
Appalachian Trials and the Pox and Puss Podcast are teaming up to host The 3nd Annual Thru-Hiker Prom!!!
Stop by the Appalachian Trials Booth!
Friday, May 13th
10am: The Appalachian Trials Scavenger Hunt opens!
Swing by the booth to grab the details on this year’s Appalachian Trials Scavenger Hunt. Win loads of cool prizes (hint: REI GIFT CARDS). Open to 2016 thru-hikers only!
1- 3pm: Meet and Greet with The Real Hiking Viking
The man, the myth, the beard will be hanging out at the Appalachian Trials booth. Here’s your chance to snag your photo and/or heckle everyone’s favorite viking who also hikes in the flesh.
Saturday, May 14th
10am – 12pm: 2016 thru-hiker interviews
Rise and shine, 2016 thru-hikers- we want to share your stories on We’ll be teaming up with 2015 thru-hiker, Warrior Hiker and videographer, Michelle Revoir to interview a few handfuls of this year’s batch of hiker trash. Each interview will take between 5-10 minutes and are first-come, first-serve (we’ll have a signup sheet on hand).
4:00pm: Winners selected from the Scavenger Hunt raffle.
After hikers complete the scavenger hunt, they report back to the Appalachian Trials booth to verify and claim their raffle ticket. The raffle drawing will go down at 4pm sharp. Hikers must be present at the time of the drawing to win.