Velvet Handcuffs
Into the woods.
Into the wild.
Into the infinite abyss.
Into danger.
Into our doubts.
Into our fears.
Into ourselves.
Throwing ourselves into all these semantics. All these words and phrases which really have no meaning; For true meaning lies in our actions – Actions which will exemplify our life.
For when we’re old, the young will not need to ask us for advice. All they’ll have to do is look at the way we lived our life. The experiences we had. The fears we welcomed and took hold of and embraced, because after all, we are human and fear is a healthy element of ourselves.
Looking Back at Time
And so as each sun rises and sets, these actions and choices of how we live our life do not seem to add up to much. But soon, sooner than we realize, we’ll look back at the cluster of days which surmounts our life and wonder where the time went – Or, we’ll smile and know the time was with us all along; All along with us while we took a risk, experienced true discomfort, made sacrifices in order to feel a genuine series of feelings.
This look back to the way we lived our life will be unlike any other reflection – Different then when we look back at a graduation, or a move to a new city, or a friend we no longer speak with or know.
No, this will be much different, because there will be no longing, no nostalgia. We will have either lived or not lived. Danced or not danced.
A good friend told me “Do not wait. If there is something that’s important to you, do it now.”
So my question is, what are we waiting for?
For the day when we have no fear? For the day when we can plan and predict every detail of an adventure? When we’re finally retired and can finally start living and doing the things we’ve been waiting for our entire lives?
These days will never come.
Leaving the Corner
We can keep trying to convince ourselves that we need this job, need this lifestyle, but the truth is many of us might be surprised on just how little we do need. How wrong we are about what we need. On just how much more we need an experience outside of our comfort zone, which these days, seems to no longer be a box shape but rather a narrow corner.
But until we remove the velvet handcuffs, the façade of happiness and comfort and things we supposedly want and need to exist, how can we know if we’re no longer allowing fear to dictate our choices in life? How can we truly know if we’re living the life we actually want, rather than the life we’re told we should want?
I would rather take the risk of leaving my corner and temporarily experiencing discomfort, than telling myself after a few too many drinks on my big night out for the week, that the velvet handcuffs are comfortable and suit me, followed by every few months asking myself What do I want to do with my life?
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