Week 1: A Lot of Ups and Downs

A Quick Recap!

Wow, this past week has been an adventure, to say the least. We’ve climbed what feels like endless mountains, eaten piles of Clif and Rx bars, and met so many interesting souls! Each day we’ve trekked about 15 miles give or take, departing from camp around 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. and arriving to our new spot in the eve. The weather is often chilly in the mornings with the afternoon sun bringing us to a sweat by midday. A few rain showers but nothing too crazy- yet!

We’re adjusting to trail life nicely with the exception of my unexpected foot pains, which have been brought on by bad shoes. Don’t worry, they will no longer be on my feet after this resupply. I’ve got a brand-new pair of kicks, and after a nice zero day in Breckenridge we’re ready to start conquering miles again tomorrow.

Happy trails!

Daily Mileage + Campsite Elevation

Day 1:

miles hiked: 16.6 miles

elevation: 6,120 ft

Day 2:

miles hiked: 13.4 miles

elevation: 7,600 ft

Day 3:

miles hiked: 15.3 miles

elevation: 9462 ft

Day 4:

miles hiked: 14.8 miles

elevation: 10,366 ft

Day 5:

miles hiked: 14.7 miles

elevation: 9,853 ft

Day 6:

miles hiked: 13.6 miles

elevation: 10,197 ft

Day 7:

miles hiked: 15.4 miles

elevation: 9,600 ft (Breckenridge!)

Songs Stuck in My Head for MILES

  • Welcome To The Jungle- Guns N’ Roses
  • Rise When the Rooster Crows- Nick Shoulders
  • Topo Chico- Robert Ellis
  • Bob- Drive-By Truckers
  • What It’s Like- Everlast
  • I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)- The Proclaimers
  • That’s the Way That the World Goes ‘Round- John Prine
  • Laurie Rolled Me A J- John Craigie
  • Winnie the Pooh

In case you’re interested in a listen:

A Little Trail Poem

A letter is delivered to my winky, blinky eyes.

The sun is our messenger- yes, it’s time to rise!

Brisk air is waiting patiently with a crooked smile.

“Think a cup of Joe will save ya? It‘ll take awhile!”

Time to stuff whose-its into packs of what’s-its and what’s-its into bags of whose?

See if you can recall last night’s whacky dream as you pull water from a stream.

Shall I have oats cold and chewy or soft and warm?

If someone here made pancakes it’d cause a swarm.

Before you know it your home will be strapped upon your back.

You’ll soon be longing for this eve when you get to pull it from your pack!


Tomorrow morning we’re setting off for about 70 more miles to our next stop in Twin Lakes. Stay tuned for a whole bunch of silly content yet to come.

Photos 🙂

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Comments 3

  • Zac : Aug 9th

    Hey everyone, I’m the lucky person tagging along for the first portion of Casey’s journey! Initially I was thinking of writing some sort of dumb joke for Casey’s friends and family to be confused by. However, after learning of Casey’s ability to delete comments from her blog, I’ve decided to shift gears.
    It’s been incredible so far, obviously. And a lot more difficult than my overconfident attitude, you could say cocky if you want, could’ve expected. I’ve already fallen on my ass twice now. Once in mud while talking to a stranger, and once while only 5 minutes away from the end of our hike to Breckinridge. Casey expressed her sympathy both times, but she was so out of breath her words almost sounded like laughter.
    On the first day of hiking, I said to Casey, “I think I’ve brought too much food”. By Day 6 I was carefully rationing out my remaining bars, and by Day 7 I was only saved by the preparedness of Casey. Hopefully the next five days will show how much I’ve learned (in other words, how much I’ve copied from Casey for food prep).
    I’ve had plenty of practically sleepless nights, with only one decent sleep in our tent. I’m fairly sure I’m averaging 4 hours or less. Not great for the body, but I guess it means I get to be awake for more of the experience. It also means I get to complain about it, which is one of my favorite pastimes. So that’s pretty nice. Unfortunate for the person who has to listen to me all day every day, but so it goes.
    The whole thing has been tough, to say the least. The days when Casey’s shoes were bothering her were the most difficult of course. It’s hard as hell for a person to push through that kind of problem. Even harder when the goal is to walk 15 mountain-ridden miles a day, 7 days straight. I’ve had similar issues in the past with hiking in poor boots. Not sure I could’ve toughed it out. I know some people who have quit their backpacking trips halfway through due to similar problems. I’m more than excited to see her hiking with no more shoe issues. As well as a little bit worried considering she was leaving me in the dust on the uphill on Day 7. It’s going to be amazing.
    If you’ve read to this point, you’re likely only seeing me list issues. I wasn’t lying when I said I enjoy complaining. But as it always is with my complaints, they are half-hearted at best. The reality is that, even with the numerous unexpected problems we’ve been encountering, I’m more than happy to be here. Even with the comically dramatic fall into mud, the food troubles, the sleeplessness… it’s been incredible so far. Obviously. And I would do it again in a heartbeat (given at least a years worth of recovery time for my poor legs).
    5 more days to go for me, 4 more weeks to go for Casey. I wish her luck, she won’t need it. Her Mom will though! (THAT’S A JOKE COLLEEN YOU’LL DO GREAT AND HAVE AN AMAZING TIME! Look forward to seeing you in Twin Lakes 😁)

  • Shayla Villani : Aug 12th

    Casey, I love following your adventures as always and I’m unsurprised to hear you’re kicking butt! Zach’s comment only added to it and had me cracking up. Proud long time bestie over here 🥲 glad you’re having such a unique and beautiful experience! Those photos 😍

    • Casey : Aug 17th

      Aw, thank you so much for the sweet comment Shayla! So happy to be able to share with you ❤️


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