Week 5: Blowin’ in the Wind

Trekking Along

This week we climbed and climbed some more!! Our first day back on trail we hiked through some crazy wind and covered a lot of our miles above 12,000ft. On our second day we hiked extra far to reach our next water source. We’ve been lucky enough to see a handful of moose this week- from afar!!

On the last day of this section of our hike we had fun catching the Durango-Silverton train into town. We were able to hike to a wilderness stop just a short way off of the trail. They even had beer for sale on board… score!!

Our nights have been a bit hard to sleep through with the wind rattling our tent. Otherwise we’ve been lucky with clear skies. This upcoming week is supposed to be pretty stormy as we make our way to our final stop in Durango, so we’ll be taking extra care when hiking over the high passes!

Daily Mileage + Campsite Elevation

Day 27-

miles hiked: 15.8

elevation: 10,906ft

Day 28-

miles hiked: 19

elevation: 11,956ft

Day 29-

miles hiked: 13

elevation: 12,413ft

Day 30-

miles hiked: 11

elevation: 10,332ft

Day 31-

miles hiked: 5.8

elevation: 9,318ft (Silverton!)

Day 32-

miles hiked: 5.9 (slackpack day! Quick day hike of the trail to cover the miles we missed when taking the train)

A Day in the Life


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Comments 2

  • Mark Rodri : Sep 10th

    I’m curious, what were your thoughts on the song “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan, which is referenced in the title of this article? The song poses a series of rhetorical questions about peace, war, and freedom. Do you think these questions are still relevant today?

  • Shayla Villani : Sep 12th

    Loving following your journey as always! Big fan of the sketch this week and the photo of you and your mom, so cute! And such breathtaking scenery!


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