What is The Best Day Hike on the Southern Half of the Appalachian Trail? [Vote For Your Favorite]
We know. Every hike on the Appalachian Trail is the best hike. Trying to pick your favorite stretch is like trying to pick your favorite child. It’s a tie.
But when asked, “I only have one day to visit the Appalachian Trail. What’s the best day hike?” we often do a disservice to our friends by listing our 15 favorite trails. We’re paralyzed by too many choices. Let’s make it easier by narrowing it down. Also, lists are fun (source: science)!
I reached out to those who eat, sleep, and breathe all things AT on Facebook to share their favorites. Their selections are below. If we’re missing any of your favorite day hikes, please throw them in the comments at the bottom of this post.
Now let’s settle this debate: Which day hike on the southern half of the Appalachian Trail is the best? (northern half, coming soon)
Let us know your favorite(s) by voting in the poll below. You can vote for up to three.
Poll Closed! Thanks for voting.
After voting, let others know your thoughts by clicking the familiar social share buttons at the top of this poll!
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