Workaway: A New Way to Experience the Trans Canada Trail

Hey, everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your adventures. I have some big news to share with you: I have decided to pause my hike on the Trans Canada Trail and do something completely different for a while.

I’m doing Workaway.

What is Workaway?

Workaway is an awesome platform that connects travelers with hosts who offer accommodation and food in exchange for some help with various projects.  The projects can range from farming, gardening, teaching, building, and anything in between. The main goal is to have a cultural exchange and learn new skills.

Workaway is not only a great way to save money on travel expenses. It’s also a great way to travel more slowly, more deeply, and more authentically. 

Why Workaway?

You may be wondering why I chose to do Workaway instead of continuing my hike on the Trans Canada Trail. Well, there are several reasons.

First of all, the weather. Winter is coming, and the temperatures are dropping fast. I’m not prepared to hike in the snow and ice, and I don’t want to risk getting injured or hypothermic. I also don’t want to miss out on the beauty of the trail in different seasons.

Secondly, the pace. Hiking is amazing, but it can also be exhausting and repetitive. Sometimes I feel like I’m rushing through the places I visit, without really getting to know them or the people who live there. I want to slow down and appreciate the journey more than the destination.

Thirdly, the experience. Hiking is one way to experience a country, but it’s not the only way. There are so many other things to see, do, learn, and enjoy in Canada. I want to expand my horizons and challenge myself in new ways.

That’s why I decided to give Workaway a try.

Where am I?

I’m currently near Digby, Nova Scotia, staying with a lovely couple who owns a small farm. They have ducks, sheep, chickens, goats, and pigs. They also grow their own vegetables and fruits.

My work here is mostly helping with the animals: feeding them, collecting eggs, milking goats, etc. It’s not too hard or too long, and I love being around these cute creatures.

The best part is that I get to learn a lot from my host. They are very kind and generous, and they treat me like one of their own. They teach me about farming and living sustainably. They also tell me stories about their life in Nova Scotia, their culture, their history, and their traditions.

I feel like I’m not just a guest here. I’m part of the community.

How do I like it?

I love it. Workaway has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It has opened my eyes to a new way of traveling: a way that is more meaningful, more rewarding, and more fun.

Workaway has also made me appreciate hiking more. I still love hiking, and I still plan to finish the Trans Canada Trail next spring. But now I know that there are other ways to experience this amazing country, and that hiking is not a race or a competition. It’s a personal journey that can be done at any pace, in any style, and with any purpose.

Workaway has taught me how to be more flexible, more curious, and more adventurous.

It’s the best way to travel.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post. If you have any questions or comments about Workaway or hiking, feel free to leave them below. And if you are interested in trying Workaway yourself, check out their website for more information.

Happy trails!

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Comments 2

  • Gilles : May 24th


    Heard about Workaway many years go.

    Lost my phone in Guatemala and forgot about it.

    Now, i applied to two diferente projects. ‘They’ read my bio but did not answer me.

    Who knows what life will being on next?

    Have a good day!

    • Dave Gunther : Jun 8th

      Hi Gilles,

      I’m sorry to hear about your phone mishap in Guatemala, but it seems like it was just a small bump on your adventurous journey.

      Applying to projects can sometimes be a waiting game, so don’t lose heart if you haven’t heard back yet. These things can take time, and the right opportunity will come along when it’s meant to be. Life is full of surprises, and who knows, the next adventure might just be around the corner!

      Wishing you all the best and a wonderful day ahead!


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