Bill Clark
I am recently retired and about to start my first thru hike. It is my hope to begin a NOBO trek of the Appalachian Trail spring of 2023. It would be an understatement to say I was just a little nervous at the prospect of pursuing such a daunting adventure. I look forward to sharing my progress with family, friends and fellow hiking enthusiasts. I welcome your moral support and look forward to sharing my experiences.
So this guy walks in to the bathroom…
My last post was made after having taken a zero near Franklin, NC. At that point the novelty of hiking the AT was still new to me. I had been
If at first you don’t succeed …
So I was a bit hasty with my first trail entry. My family and friends kept asking “when are you going to write something?” so I rushed to get out
The Fuse is Lit (Cue Mission Impossible Theme)
The time for talking and planning has passed, it is now (finally) time to start walking. After months of preparation, training and anticipation, my
And So It Begins …
"If your dreams don't scare you, they are too small" - Richard Branson It has long been a dream of mine to hike the Appalachian Trail (AT). The idea