I currently hold titles of a father, husband, geek, aspiring outdoorsman, storyteller, and BBQ Cook. I am a section hiker who is breaking the trail up in chunks as time allows.
Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail Week 5
I continue to look at and review all of the pictures from Instagram under the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and selecting a few of the best each week.
Charging Your Cell Phone While Hiking
On my recent shake down hike I tested a new piece of gear for charging my cell phone.While reviewing products, my focus was to find something that
Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail Week 4
I continue to look at and review all of the pictures from Instagram under the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and selecting a few of the best each week.
The Importance of A Shakedown Hike
This past weekend I set out on a shakedown hike to prep, test gear, and enjoy the outdoors before my upcoming June section hike. A shakedown hike is
Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail Week 3
I continue to look at and review all of the pictures from Instagram under the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and selecting a few of the best each week. I
Planning Your Meals for a Section Hike
This weekend I am setting of on a hike in Pine Mountain, Georgia with the first of my two shake down hikes for my upcoming June section hike. As I
Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail Week 2
I continue to look at and review all of the pictures from Instagram under the hashtag #AppalachianTrail and selecting a few of the best each week. To
Top Instagram Pictures from The #AppalachianTrail This Week
The following is a weekly series curating the top Appalachian Trail photos from Instagram. And it's awesome extract.
Ultralight Joe’s Moose Goo – The Best Trail Food?
As I continue to prepare for my upcoming section hike I am taking the time evaluate which types of food I want to take with me. Wanting to keep the
6 Advantages of Being A Section Hiker
This summer I am hitting AT for the first time. I have spent way too much money on gear, scrutinized every gram of every piece of gear going into my