White Mountains to the Yellow Deli
The Yellow Deli. It doesn't sound too interesting, but every northbounder we passed either has a story, or you can tell expected to have a story but didn't really get...
Connecting with Hikers (over anything but gear)
Gear lover discretion advised! I don’t consider myself among those who can talk for hours about a particular product or brand, at least not yet. Don’t get me wrong, I...
Coping when Injury Turns a Thru into a Section
I dreamed of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail for 26 years before my husband, Muskrat and I stepped foot on Springer after a cold wet hike up from Amicalola Falls on...
The Emotional Roller Coaster of Hiking the Appalachian Trail
Aspiring thru-hikers should prepare themselves for an emotional roller coaster, and talk to other hikers when things get tough. Don’t deal with such a big decision on your own. Knowing...
20 Emotions You Will Experience at the Beginning of Your Thru-Hike
1) When your family drops you at the trailhead and questions your thru-hike one last time: 2) As soon as you begin to climb Amicalola Falls: 3) Reaching your first shelter: 4) Meeting...