
“Gear Blowouts // Customer Service and Thru-Hiker Relationships: Why is it Important?”

“Gear Blowouts // Customer Service and Thru-Hiker Relationships: Why is it Important?”

Gear Blowouts Customer Service and Thru-Hiker Relationships: Why is it Important? PCT Class of 2022   Introduction /// On long trails, the gear you take with you is all you...

Jan 3, 2023 : Wesley Black
Superior Wilderness Designs: UL Backpacks You Should Know About

Superior Wilderness Designs: UL Backpacks You Should Know About

The masterminds behind SWD: Stitch and Good Lady The Ultralight Backpacking industry’s future began to change in January of 2016, when Brandon McIntyre (Stitch) and Ashley Thick (Good Lady)

May 5, 2017 : Mary Beth Skylis
Dyneema: The Future of Backpacking?

Dyneema: The Future of Backpacking?

The advances that DSM Dyneema and Cuban Technologies are making has allowed tent and backpack weights to be sliced in half.

Nov 21, 2016 : Mary Beth Skylis