31 Results for "Therma rest neo lite nxt"
Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite NXT Sleeping Pad Review
Therm-a-Rest has made some of the most popular sleeping pads for almost as long as anyone can remember. Their lineup covers the gamut, from super cushy car camping mattresses to...
Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hiker Gear List
Based on Liz Thomas's wonderful gear chapter in Pacific Crest Trials, here's a non-exhaustive list of suggested gear items for a Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike. Quick Navigation Sleeping
PCT ’24 Gear-End Review
Holding the most important item: Turmeric powder Gear is the low-hanging fruit in terms of things I’d change if I could re-hike the PCT, but hey, there’s a reason...
NEMO Tensor All-Season Ultralight Insulated Sleeping Pad Review
One of the big debates in the backpacking world: inflatable vs. non-inflatable (foam) sleeping pads. They both have their pros and cons, and I have spent hundreds of nights sleeping...
CDT Gear List 2024
I'd like to be ultralight. My shoulders definitely want me to be. After two thru-hikes in as many years, you'd think I would have my gear dialed in. Maybe I...
Getting into Gear and onto the Trail
In less than a week, I will be hiking the Appalachian Trail, and I'm pretty sure I'll be making tweaks to my gear until the very last minute. The major...
Rain and Fog: My PCT Shakedown on the First 110 Miles of the AT
I think shakedown hikes are important to help us find things we need to improve about our gear or our physical preparedness, and hopefully we finish the shakedown feeling confident...
How Do I Say Goodbye to My Best Friend?
Hi Trek Tramily, We all know saying goodbye is the hardest part of leaving. Some of us say, "I'll see you soon" or "I'll be back before you know it"...
Announcing the 2024 Badger Sponsorship
We are excited to announce that The Trek's 2024 Badger Sponsorship is now live! We've got tents, packs, quilts, apparel, food, and accessories from the biggest and best names in...
How To Repair an Inflatable Sleeping Pad
One of the most important aspects of any backpacking adventure is getting a good night's sleep at the end of each day. Crushing miles all day is quite the endeavor,...