Becky Wandell

Hi, I’m Becky, a teacher, writer and curious explorer of the world. From the earliest age I was always happiest when I was camping, but it wasn’t until my 20’s, when I started backpacking in the Pacific Northwest, that I found my soul. For thirty years since then, I have dreamed of seeing the PCT from end to end. After a side jaunt into the Peace Corps serving in Ecuador and the past five years living, working and tramping around South America, I’ve gained my confidence, my ability to sleep anywhere and deal with anything that comes my way. I’m ready. But during my trek, I want to acknowledge the enormous privilege, resources and support I have to start at the US Mexican border and be willingly homeless for six months while I wander the desert and mountains of my country. In an attempt to acknowledge my fortune and do good in the world, I’d like to dedicate this journey to the migrants who struggle to cross the Mexican border every day. While I have a fancy backpack filled with resources, they depend upon the kindness of others. If you would like to help provide resources to their plight, consider donating to Border Angels, a non-profit organization helping care for migrants along the California/ Mexican border. My “tip” button will take you directly to their website. Thank you for your consideration! Now, 2024 is my year on the PCT. Won’t you join me on this grand adventure?