Myrt, a Yoga Sister

My sister, Walkie, and I were raised on the Beatles and baseball by New Yorkers in the South. We are section-hiking the Appalachian Trail and excited to share our hike with you. Thank you, Trail!


Appalachian Spectres & Superstitions (Campfire Optional)

Appalachian Spectres & Superstitions (Campfire Optional)

...[S]omewhere south of Pennsylvania, thru-hikers trade crawdads for mudbugs and find themselves deep in a region of ancient native healing and folkways without realizing the rich and mystical history of the red clay under their feet. Join me over yonder at the campfire (optional) and sit a spell. If you have the sense God gave a goose, you might better tell these tales in hushed tones, so no Boo Daddies overhear you and come to call.

Mar 3, 2023 : Myrt, a Yoga Sister
5 Blue Blazes in Georgia

5 Blue Blazes in Georgia

NOBO thru-hikers land on the red clay of Georgia with varied experience levels and fresh legs. While you’re building your trail legs, consider resisting the urge to pump out high-mile days. Instead, stop and enjoy a blue blaze or two.

Feb 19, 2023 : Myrt, a Yoga Sister
To Bidet…or not to Bidet?

To Bidet…or not to Bidet?

...[T]he teeniest bit of rainfall exposes white petals, TP blossoms that adorn the forest floor like a sea of Poppies...poopies? Have I discovered a new species of flora? That means I get to name them...The Yoga Poopies of Appalachia. Yogae Poopiflora.

Feb 11, 2023 : Myrt, a Yoga Sister
Yoga Sisters on the Appalachian Trail

Yoga Sisters on the Appalachian Trail

...[W]e were a motley and mismatched pair. She, an experienced athlete with actual backpacking experience and more chutzpah than you can stick in a jar, and myself, an idealistic homebody working at a public library and romanticizing the great outdoors I found between pages of books...

Feb 7, 2023 : Myrt, a Yoga Sister