My sister, Walkie, and I were raised on the Beatles and baseball by New Yorkers in the South. We are section-hiking the Appalachian Trail and excited to share our hike with you. Thank you, Trail!
Dick’s Ceek to Plum Orchard Shelter
Day 2: Miles Hiked Today: 4.7 New Hiker Status: Has a temporary trail name...Lil' Pink D Walkie, Lil' Pink D, and I were dropped off by Green
Green Dragon Hostel
Miles hiked: none yet Current residence: Green Dragon Hostel It's the most popular hostel in
Food Storage for 8 Days: Bear Bag vs. Bear Canister
Y'all, I really wanted an Ursack bear sack over a bear cannister, and until the very last moment, I thought that was the way I'd go.
Part Two: Walkie’s Favorite Things About Hiking the A.T.
Walkie here again! Wow! A repeat guest on Myrt’s blog. I feel so honored. I’m here to share my favorite things about the trail. I do have similar ones to Myrt like “Shelters” and “Tent Time”, but I decided to show & tell a few additions.
Bear Poop, Shelters, and Mountain Laurel: My Favorite Things About Hiking the A.T.
Three (3) Weeks Out Total Miles Hiked (2 previous sections) | 76.4 Miles Remaining A.T. | 2,113.6 Miles of Upcoming Section | 30 or so Three
Return to Dick’s Creek: New Gear, New Hiker, New State
We're heading back out soon. Making calculated gear changes and weighing new items. And adding a new member to our hiking team for our May 2024
Five Tips for Backpacking the A.T. in Georgia
Planning your A.T. adventure for Georgia? If it’s April, pack for winter. If it’s September, pack for spring. I don’t make the rules.
Rescued by a Green Dragon
Blue Mountain is an over-eager aerobics instructor in blue leg warmers; cheering you on saying “you got this!” When you clearly don’t.
April vs. September on the A.T. in Georgia
No one will see your shiny hiney when you use nature's prickly bathroom off the trail.