
Hi! I'm Fox, but hikers call me Finnisher. Born and bred in Finland, but travelled the world ever since. Thru-hiked the AT in 2017 and hiking the PCT in 2022. Dancer, forensic radiographer and writer. Queen Elizabeth II is my spirit animal.


5 Exercises in Humility

5 Exercises in Humility

Been there, done that. I know my shit – and even how to bury it. Having the halo of mystical wisdom that only accomplished thru-hikers have, how do I

Mar 20, 2022 : Finnisher
Travel in the Time of the Pandemic

Travel in the Time of the Pandemic

Do you know what I'm most afraid of related to my PCT thru-hike attempt? Getting a positive COVID19 test just before my flight to the US.

Mar 4, 2022 : Finnisher
The Visa Struggle Is Real

The Visa Struggle Is Real

Staying on the trail is mostly a question of mental and physical fitness for the hikers who have a permanent residence in the United States. And by

Feb 22, 2022 : Finnisher
What It Means to Be the Finnisher

What It Means to Be the Finnisher

"What's your name?" "Finnisher." Oh, he must be really serious, thought Goose. "Where are you from?" "Finland." How I Became Finnisher In 2015

Feb 14, 2022 : Finnisher