George Gristina

Long time hiker/skiier/climber and general outdoors guy. Eagle Scout Follow my hike on here, or on my youtube. See the videos section of my profile for a bit of that.


Put Together… ish: My AT Initial Gear List

Put Together… ish: My AT Initial Gear List

Why post a gear list? This was my initial question when I first decided I wanted to document my thru-hike. Nearly every youtube channel I visited, 

Feb 18, 2021 : George Gristina
In Search of Cleaner Air: Why I’m Hiking the AT

In Search of Cleaner Air: Why I’m Hiking the AT

When you ask yourself, "how did I get here?", often times there isn't a simple answer. Life is a meandering path, with bends and curves like a river.

Feb 11, 2021 : George Gristina