Hey friends. My imagination is too big for most things I’ve run into so far. I like all things nerdy and dirty. ENTP. Enneagram type 7. I’ll beat you at Harry Potter trivia. I love my cat.
Gratitude on the Pacific Crest Trail
Today, I am sitting in Portland in a cushy Marriot waiting for the bleach on my scalp to do its job so I can go purple again. I asked the front desk
PCT SOBO: Harts Pass-Stevens Pass
Some things feel just like old times on the AT. Most things feel completely new. I can not think of many more groups of people in my life
PCT SOBO 2021 Harts Pass-Canada
Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. I was reminded of this poem by Robert Frost time and time again in the last few days.
Gone Hikin’
Goodbyes are hard, even when it is really just “see ya later.” This week I have done all of my favorite things in Tennessee for the “last time,”
AT SOBO 2019: Tennessee Vortex Is Strong
I have officially walked home from Maine. I brought six of my smelly new friends with me. Leaving Damascus, I just had this feeling. All of a
This Really Is Real Life
Officially Two-Thirds of the Way Completed! I was telling my Nana that I was struggling trying to write another blog. She, being the trail-wise lady
Chasing Autumn
It is difficult to mark the passage of time on the Appalachian Trail. I mark miles, plan my life in fourish day segments between resupply points,
Hiking Is Hard. Hiking Is Worth It
In some ways, I feel like I have been preparing for the trail my entire life. Living in the mountains, I fell in love with the outdoors at an
Restoring My Faith in Humanity, One State at a Time
I am slightly over a quarter of the way finished hiking the Appalachian Trail. It has been just over 50 days. I’m in my fourth state, and
Summits, Sunsets, and Switchbacks
Franconia Ridge. Here, there be fairies The ridgeline is so stark and sharp, cutting into the sky with no qualms about whether or not it has a