Avid backpacker, trail runner, lover of the outdoors. Married with two adult children. Engineer developing software during the week. Always looking forward to the weekend outdoors. AT2024, already planning the next one!
Re-entry – First 2 Weeks at Home
Re-entry is hard. Perhaps not as hard as backpacking through New Hampshire. Finding my bearings and figuring out what to do next continue to be
Stats and Reflections
The featured image is the sun rising, not setting, over Jo-Mary Pond. The sun is always rising somewhere. I am an engineer by education and
Last Days – Days 136 thru 138
Last Days but not The End We have been off the trail for just under a week now. Re-entry is hard. Today I am home alone, Meriwether went back to
Nearing Home – Days 131 thru 135
Day 131 - VA 16 / Mt Rogers Headquarters / Merry Hiker Inn to Atkins, VA / Long Neck Lair Rain seems to be the theme. It wasn't when we woke,
Ready Push – Days 126 thru 130
You know that noise used to call a dog or cat, kind of a clicking noise. Not a great noise to make to a bear. They start to come towards that noise too. Very quickly. A loud roar, however, will make them turn and run. Then I got scolded by Meriwether.
Hostel Hoping – Days 121 thru 125
Or, perhaps they knew about the mouse that would drop down on my face at 2 this morning. That will really wake one up. Scared me to death. I say mouse, but the thing was pretty big, if I said rat, Meriwether would never stay in a shelter again.
Trail Magic – Days 116 thru 120
Right now we are listening to the thunder, pretty close by, lightening is likely hitting all the trees right next to us. Rain drops are pelting the tent. We are dry. Not so sure about safe. In any case the storm is only supposed to last a few hours. Hopefully you will get to read this.
Hey Bear – Days 111 thru 115
At about 1 AM I was woken to the chorus of “hey bear”. This was no dream. I think Tara started it. Meriwether says she hear the loud crash only a bear in the woods can make. I joined in with the shouting and banging. I did not see or hear the bear.
Burning into North Carolina – Days 106 thru 110
11 PM, just like the sign said, the bears entered the shelter. 4 of them. They were not here to cuddle.
Katahdin to Springer in 48 Hours – Days 101 thru 105
Day 101 - Hurd Brook Lean-to to The Birches Right now I am sitting here at the Birches, our last shelter before Katahdin. It is early afternoon,