Margaret Blauvelt
Hi, I am Margaret (she/her). In March 2023 I will be walking from Georgia to Maine via the Appalachian Trail. I was born and lived in good ol' Maine for 26 years. For the past 14 years I have been residing in The Netherlands with my amazing wife and our two crazy adorable cats. You are more then welcome to follow me on my 2,198.4 mile adventure.
Life’s a Dance
If you quite before you start, is that considered a failure? If so then I have successfully failed my first thru-hike! I never did walk the infamous
Workin’ 9-5
Work Hard, Play Harder I have always tried to spend my days working hard and take advantage to play even harder when I can. Since my last post, I
I’m a Porsche with No Brakes
Working Out the Kinks My work has been closed for a two-week holiday break. Mandatory vacation for me and I am certainly not complaining! Spent
Ass and a half it! I can’t remember the exact date, but I know it was somewhere in the end of May(2022) when I was lying on my floor crying when
Will the real Margaret please stand up….
Let’s Get started! Early March, 2023 I will begin my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. You are all so very welcome to follow me on my journey.