Big Mike

What’s up, my name is Mike McMahon (Footlong) and on March 27th I will begin my attempt to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail northbound. I’ve bought the gear, read the books, and done my best to get into the right headspace for such an undertaking. I sold my car and now walk everywhere in Chicago, including plenty of 20 and 25+ mile days, but have only done a couple overnight camping trips to test gear. Hiking is not my primary hobby and camping is new to me. I’m thinking more folks can relate to this than might admit. I put my preparedness somewhere right in the middle. But my confidence is fully intact and now that I’m starting this blog, if I fail, I’m gonna do it publicly. I’m 36-years-old. I’m from Roseville, Minnesota but my wife and I moved to Lakeview East, Chicago in June 2020. Alicia and I have been married eight years and she’s awesome, as is probably suggested by the fact that I’m able to just leave for six or seven months. I had an incredible job in Minnesota as a partner of a burgeoning restaurant group. But it became clear to me that it wasn’t bringing me enough intrinsic happiness and that a change was necessary. Despite it making very little sense to anyone, we knew it was the right decision, so I bailed. Alicia had gotten a sweet job with United Airlines that required a move to Chicago and we said “why not?” We bought a condo where we live with our two dogs and tortoise; Edwin, Newton, and Daisy respectively. Life’s good. Been waiting tables but I put in my 10-month notice last May and I am excited to turn my focus to the mountains. Gonna be nuts


The Schematics of Planning a Thru-Hike

The Schematics of Planning a Thru-Hike

MARCH 8 19 Days until Springer Mountain The decision to take on a thru-hike is an exciting one.  An undertaking most only ever dream about.  Many

Mar 8, 2022 : Big Mike
The Appalachian Trail in 60 Seconds

The Appalachian Trail in 60 Seconds

FEBRUARY 27 28 days until Springer Mountain. I’ve been toying around with exactly how to start this blog.  How to talk about my hike when my hike

Feb 27, 2022 : Big Mike