An avid hiker that loves to escape the world and run into nature. I am also an 8 year Marine Combat Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Congrats 2016, Lets Rock This 2017
To the Class of 2016 that is either wrapping up or has already completed the thru hike of the AT, I want to say congratulations. You guys have showed
Aug 2, 2016 : Scott Farley
Don’t Fall Flat On Your Face, Know Your Why
When you do something worthwhile that is going to test you and challenge you, a time will come when you question your decision to do it. If you can’t
Jul 19, 2016 : Scott Farley
No Introduction, No Thru-Hike
I guess I better introduce myself so I can do this thru-hike. Is that how it works? My name is Scott Farley and I am a thru-hiker class of 2017. This
Jul 19, 2016 : Scott Farley
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