Hi everyone! I just turned 30 this past year and have decided to take a year sabbatical from life to travel and see the world. I figured there is no time like the present for a big adventure! I love to stay active and explore new places. I will kick off 2016 with a trip to South America before becoming a NOBO thru hiker on the AT. I am a little nervous going alone, but hope to be a stronger person from it!
Lessons from the AT
After spending five months on the trail, it is amazing how well I know my body. I have been physically pushed to the limit and know my strengths and
Life after the AT- a humble end to a long journey
It has now been a month since I finished my journey on the a AT and it is only now that I'm starting to feel more like "Shauna" than "Mola." This
The Final Countdown
It is hard to believe this long journey is coming to an end, but with less than two weeks remaining, it is slowly starting to set-in. Yesterday was
The long and the short of it
Since entering Vermont, we have been on an even older trail called the Long Trail. This trail runs the length of Vermont through the Green Mountains
Rest for the Weary
Pennsylvania had taken its toll on us. We had pressed big miles over treacherous terrain in order to get to Delaware Water Gap on time for Helter
Home Sweet Home- Pennsylvania
Growing up in York, PA, most people assumed that I had hiked at least some of the AT in PA. However, I wasn't much of a hiker in my early days and it
The Return to Normalcy
The Return Going home was like hitting the reset button on my AT adventure. I slowly became accustomed to the daily comforts of running water,
When it rains, it pours
Trail Days came at an interesting time on the trail. The trail was starting to wear on me and it was a good weekend off to spend with old and new
Home is Where the Heart is
It has been one and a half months since I have started the grand ambition of thru hiking the Appalachian Trail and am pleased where the journey has
Variety is the spice of life…One month on the trail
It is just over one month of being on the trail and I am amazed at how far physically and emotionally I have come. I have pushed myself in ways never