Hi, my name is Sheehan and I love pizza, sunrises, and exploring the wild corners of this crazy planet! From photography and backpacking, to trail running and climbing, my love for the outdoors shows no bounds. Being from New Jersey, I've spent accumulative months driving to and from my favorite places on the East Coast, but I plan on recouping some of those miles on foot this summer (2024) thru-hiking the CDT! A lofty goal for a Jersey Boy, I know, but if there is one thing I learned from the past years of adventuring it's that "If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough"~EJ
Embracing the Brutality and the Dirt Roads : Days 15-17 on the CDT
As the evening faded and I hiked away from the Gila, I asked myself the same question which I ask every day… Where should I camp tonight? Luckily,
Wild and Wonderful Water – Part 2 of the Gila : Days 13-15 on the CDT
The hot springs relaxed every ache and muscle in my body and I woke up early after a wonderful nights sleep. Gazing up into starry sky, I saw the
A Balancing Act- Part 1 of the Gila: Days 10-12 on the CDT
To reconnect with the CDT the next morning, we bushwhacked up a spiky drainage to the ridge line. Although I’ve never done a thru hike, I’ve done
New Games with New Rules: Days 7-9 on the CDT
Thru hiking is a game where you make your own rules. The game is governed by a certain set of laws, most of them natural. Wind, fire,
Nighthiking Spooks and Drinking Poop: Days 4-6 on the CDT
If you think your town is small, you should come test your theory against Lordsburg, New Mexico. Besides McDonalds and a few dingy motels occupied my
I Could Get Used to This: Days 2-3 on the CDT
If it weren't for the water caches along this first section of trail, I think it would be impossible for me to hike it. The first cache tasted more
Knock Knock… You’re Late! : Day 1 on the CDT
I might as well have been in a Halloween costume, walking around the University of Arizona with a full loaded backpack for a thru hike. Being
“Walk All Day”
“Walk All Day” I'm standing alone but still with my friends. Their eyes watch from afar, their support shows no end. I know there's no
Backpacking on Black Friday: Day 7 on the MST
While some were camped outside their favorite department stores waiting for the deals of the year, I listened to the wind rippling against my tent
Cold Oats and Coyotes on Thanksgiving: Days 5-6 on the MST
Listening to the pounding of heavy rain for the past 24 hours made me thankful I took the day off from hiking, although it left me feeling a bit