Lyme, Trails ‘n Tails and the Great Beyond
"Life is not a matter of holding good cards,but sometimes playing a poor hand as well." - Jack London Since the end of May my days have ranged anywhere from...
North Carolina and Beyond
It is now Day 36. I sit on a porch in Hot Springs, North Carolina, enjoying the heat from the sun and a full belly. Now. Where did I last...
When A Zero Turns Into a Noro
It is now day 24 of my hike, and I've only posted one blog. This is in part due to my natural tendancy towards procrastination, and my lack of desire...
From the Suburbs of Illinois to the Mountains of Georgia
Button's First Trail Update for her 2015 Appalachian Trail Thru Hiking Adventure. From Glen Ellyn, Illinois to Chattanooga, Tennessee to Springer Mountain and beyond.
Dirty, Broke, Beautiful and Free
I found myself sitting in a bathtub, sipping on whiskey; it was June 2014. That is when I decided to start this journey. That is when I decided I wanted to...