Pox & Puss 10th Anniversary Bonus – Eric Rudolph and The Appalachian Trail Bandit
We are only a few days away from celebrating the Pox & Puss Podcast's 10th anniversary. So, in honor of that day, we bring you some b-b-b-b-bonus content from In...
Pox & Puss Episode #72 – Geraldine “Inchworm” Largay: with In The Pines Podcast
Pox Holiday, Nikki, and Puss In Boots look into the mysterious 2013 disappearance of Appalachian Trail hiker, Geraldine "Inchworm" Largay. Inchworm was hiking solo through Maine, while her husband
Goosefeet Gear Down Socks Review
A backpacking Truth I've come to realize is that good sleep on the trail is extremely important. And this looks different for every hiker. It's all about striking a perfect...
Pox & Puss Episode #71 – I Do This Now
What can we say? It's been a hell of a year, right? Ugh. We pick up right where we left off, two yahoos just dicking around on microphones, talking about...
Pox & Puss O.P.P. #10 – The Quarantine Edition
Hey. How are you doing these days? Did you hear that the Appalachian Trail is kinda closed? We figured if the AT is closed, we'll talk about other stuff right...
Gear Review: Rab Men’s Kaon Jacket
Rab has made a serious contender for the ideal backpacking jacket with the Kaon Jacket. This innovative jacket is made with efficiency in mind and cuts weight everywhere possible. Inspired...
Pox & Puss Episode #70 – Eavesdropping with Dan Koeppel
In this episode we talk with Dan Koeppel about his article The Legend of Baltimore Jack in Outside magazine. Dan was searching for an article to write for Outside when...
Trailcation in Durango: A Mental and Physical Reset
After seven zeroes in the lovely, nearly engulfed in smoke, town of Durango I am ready to get back out on that dirt path. While my shin does not feel...
First Piece of Gear, Yay!
I got my first piece of gear today!! So exciting! ^_^ Since I'm still obviously gear hunting, I won't delve into much other than sleeping bag and comfort. So, I...
How Down Insulation Works
Down is a remarkable insulator. Not only do these tiny feathers have an incredible warmth to weight ratio, but they also pack super small and loft back to life again...