2024-04-19 Day 6 Padron to Santiago de Compestelo
Final Push to Santiago
The day started very cool, my Reynauds Syndrome made some of my fingers white, but they warmed up. Then the day got too hot.
The first half was rural, but the hills were non stop. We were spread out, each to his own hike. Dave and Phillip were walking together at the rear. After lunch with the stamp Phillip fell to plantar fasciitis. If you have ever had it is very painful, in that you can’t put any weight on that foot.
Dave put Phillip in a taxi and was holding the rear guard. We were using Signal to keep in touch, because not all had active SMS accounts. (Lesson learned, get a physical SIM with voice and data before you leave.)
Dave and I would give the remaining Km left. I caught up to Sandy as the Camino went totally urban. With descents and then a hill to go back up. I was severely flagging.
Water was fine, but my electrolytes were off.
We passed the last Km pillar as we started into the old city with windy passages. We went around the Cathedral twice before we had to go down the ramp to the peregrinos office to get our Compostela.
Coming back up that ramp, Perius had to wait a number of times fr me to catch my breath. Then a beer, then the walk to the hotel just outside the old city.
Now to rest and heal, then off to Finsterre in 4 days time.
Nations today:
A complete UN
The Reward!
Phillip was granted his too!
Hiiker App stopped recording, so the fall back app.
18.3 Km
A very tired and sweaty pengiunos. Stay tuned, the story continues to “The Ends of The Earth”.
One last pic of the Penguinos Perditos.
We are happy, the packs are off for now.
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