2024-04-23 Day 2 Finsterre – Negreira to Mazaricos
Out to the country
This leg had no accommodations along the route and doubtful cell service, so I lopped 12km off with a taxi ride, benefit of skipping a long climb, and I’d have enough energy to make it to my pickup spot.
I always shoot for 6 miles before noon and 6 miles after. That’s about my daily limit, which varies with the elevation and company.
I met great company around 11, a Icelandic/US citizen/German ER tech with his Norwegian doctor (MD) girlfriend (currently in Cyprus) who was ½ his age plus 7. He was a roaring Viking, she was pretty quiet. I heard them coming up from behind. The benefit was that my pace matched thiers and it was easier to pass the miles. And hear a lot of stories. He had the chemical diagram of testosterone, cocaine and ADP tattooed on his arm. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.
The biggest benefit that he had walked the route twice before and knew where each Cafe was hidden. The Camino would point right and 50m to the left in a very rural area was a nice Cafe where I quaffed a beer.
He gave great advice for the next day, there was a sign that it was the last cafe for 15km, and he was right. More on that in tomorrow’s post.
We had one large gravel path climb, and he was saying that we would continue to the summit, but the camino veered off to the right and down.
We were in the windmill district, with at least 30 BIG windmills making power.
Our way parted at Cozon, where I stopped at a cemetery and called my hotel for a pickup, luckily the 2 attempt went through and George arrived in less than 10 minutes.
No companions for dinner so I was able to knock out my backlog of posts.
Buen Camino! The Icelander also had “Ultreia” tattooed on his arm, that is “Beyond or Farther!” I got a ring in Santiago that says that as a souvenir, but it would make a nice tattoo.
Last pics are the Menu del Dias. 13 eu for the tomato salad, a mini paella, flan and a bottle of the house wine, no label. Quite a deal and even a hungry hike can’t eat or drink all of it.
Nations today:
11.69 miles
I keep saying that the numbers should be in a different color so you can see them, they are cast/engraved into the metal.
Crazy how they grow these trees in loops and arcades. I thought they were Sycamores, but was told they are Plane trees.
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