One Step Closer

Welcome to my first post! It’s a bit surreal to finally be starting my blog for the AT and getting one step closer to Springer Mountain.

I’ve been dreaming of hiking the Appalachian Trail since I was a little one, and more seriously for the past two years. It begins to feel more and more real with every step.. buying gear, doing research, reading blog posts from former thru-hikers, and perhaps most importantly, convincing my family and friends that it’s a good idea.

Convincing myself was quite easy– I have a million reasons why I want to do it, but the only one that matters for me is that it feels right. All signs point to the mountains, and I am one firm believer in following the signs (or blazes) the universe gives me. This is not, however, as comforting a reason for my worried parents and loved ones, I’ve discovered. The gist of  the matter is this: I have graduated college with a Bachelor of Science and a good GPA, I have solid plans for graduate school and a successful career. I am passionate about learning and hopefully making a difference in my world one day, but right now I’m young and I’m impatient. I have no desire to settle in any kind of way and I especially do not want to push off any adventures until I’m retired and old.

This is what I want to spend my precious time doing– hiking until my legs, feet, and shoulders are beyond tired and then doing it all over again the next day, pushing up steep terrain to break out into a bald where I can see for miles over the mountaintops, walking through the rain for days on end– totally soaked and probably miserable, sleeping in the fresh air every night, discovering who I really am and reveling in every moment– the good and bad.

I hope you follow me on my journey and maybe even join me at some point– all are welcome!

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Comments 4

  • Mom : Dec 6th

    The first of many! How exciting! How can people who are not on fb follow your posts?

  • Brian (The Chief) : Dec 8th


    Congrats on graduating and a bigger congrats on being able to get out to the Trail! Looking forward to reading your adventures.

    The Chief

  • Nancy : Dec 9th

    I want to do a thru hike but that has to wait til I retire. And your right…the trail is calling. It has been calling me for over 8 years. I am beginning to do my research and starting to purchase my gear. It is exciting and frightening (in a good way). I taking off from work for a month and heading out in June! Good luck and speedy travels!

  • Deb S : Dec 9th

    Hi! It is great seeing so many gearing up for Spring 2016! I am planning to hike state by state….it’s really hard for me to take longer times off of work…but I just can’t wait to get started! I went to Springer Mtn last month and hike to trailhead! It’s going to be great. I’m trying out trail running shoes to see if they will be better that hiking boots or hiking shoes? What are you wearing?


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