Apology for Missing Blog Submissions

Dear Readers:

Several of you have emailed me asking about what happened to our blog. I want to apologize for dropping off the grid or blog post.  As November approached, I felt incomplete and had let you down for not blogging about our adventure. I recently read somewhere: “There is a high cost to low thoughts.” The unfinished blog was nagging at me.

Truthfully, I found it very difficult to keep a blog on the trail. My reasons for not blogging? Well, they probably sound like an excuse given to teachers by their students for late submissions. My reasons include:

  • My 60-year-old eyes and fingers were not able to blog on my cell phone without making a ton of spelling errors.
  • It was extremely difficult to find a library or hotel that had a computer.
  • When I found a computer, I was given an hour to transcribe my journal into a google doc and then copy and paste the document into Trek.
  • When I was in town, I wanted to explore, to be present, and to talk with folks living in a trail town.  Blogging ended up on a back burner.  
  • We were having a great time on the trail.

To remedy my incomplete assignment, I plan on sharing our AT hiking adventure over the weeks ahead. I hope future hikers and hikers 60+ who are planning their trip might also find insight in what I have to say.  

Finally, I deeply admire those bloggers and vloggers who are able to use their cell phones for posts.  

Dessert Queen

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Comments 3

  • jacqueline and dennis hildebrandt : Nov 8th

    I have read all your posts and can’t wait to read more!
    Hat off to you for wanting to live each day to the fullest.

  • Jeff Greene : Nov 24th

    First things first! I run out of time to even read my blogs, and gave up writing them long ago! Keep on keeping on!

    • Beth Malchus Stafa : Nov 25th

      Jeff: It is never too late to start.


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