Alice Wu

I'm Alice! I'm a first-generation Asian-American, soon-to-be Navy veteran, avid reader, beer enthusiast, cat mom, and connoisseur of snacks. I roll Nat 1's with great regularity on my in-real-life Dexterity Saving Throws. PCT NOBO 2021.


A Quitter’s Guide to Quitting

A Quitter’s Guide to Quitting

Yeah, that's right. I quit. And I'm glad I did.

Jul 7, 2021 : Alice Wu
Trekking While Asian: An AAPI Perspective

Trekking While Asian: An AAPI Perspective

Disappointing my ancestors and challenging western stereotypes one literal step at a time.

Mar 19, 2021 : Alice Wu
You’re Doing What? – A Filthy Casual Hiker’s Intro

You’re Doing What? – A Filthy Casual Hiker’s Intro

A lady going on a long, aggressive walk from Mexico to Canada. Just don't tell my parents I'm not going to grad school. And also please don't tell my cat.

Mar 9, 2021 : Alice Wu