Christopher Johnson

Hiker trash rescued by a rescue dog. I really like long walks with my dog, mayo on everything, and will be southbound thru hiking the AT this year.


SOBO Gear List Part One: My Big Three

SOBO Gear List Part One: My Big Three

Are you even going on a thru-hike if you don’t post a gear list? And how will I know what gear other people hate if I don’t put it on the

May 28, 2019 : Christopher Johnson
A Different Kind of Gear List (My Dog’s)

A Different Kind of Gear List (My Dog’s)

A question I receive quit a bit and have tried to answer over time via Instagram is, “What’s in Winnie’s pack?” I always answer this question tongue

Jan 12, 2019 : Christopher Johnson
To Shakedown or Not to Shakedown?

To Shakedown or Not to Shakedown?

That is the question. After a few thousand miles and numerous end-to-end thru hikes, you’d think the words “shakedown” wouldn’t be something I would

Dec 4, 2018 : Christopher Johnson
Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

Why I Am Doing a Flip-Flop Thru-Hike

What the heck is a flip-flop? No one who has learned that I’m thru-hiking the AT has been shocked; not in the least bit. In fact, most have

Oct 20, 2018 : Christopher Johnson