My name is Clara, trail name “Pulitzer,” and I am flip-flop hiking the Appalachian Trail starting May 2018. I am from Duluth, Minnesota, but grew up in Canandaigua, New York, and went to school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This trail runs deep in my family so I am excited to be able to link together the small sections I have hiked already. From Harpers Ferry, I am flip-flop hiking first NOBO, then SOBO.
Gear That Made It, and My Reasons Why
Everyone starts the same way: unknowing, feeling their way through the dark. And everyone's start and end photos are remarkably similar to other
In the Woods, I Know that I Am Safe
Sarah Grothjan recently wrote an article for Outside detailing some of her experience with sexual harassment and solo adventuring. Not for the
19 Days of Intermission Featuring Florence
On the list of displaced people from Florence, it is unlikely that Appalachian Trail thru-hiker might pop up. Yet, we are here. The trail, our home,
A day on the Appalachian Trail
The best mornings are when I wake up in my tent after a night without my rain fly. I can see birds fly in the canopied trees above my sleeping spot
Hiker Stink, and My Almost Trail Name
I rang in one month of hiking with a day at the beach. Specifically, Coney Island. It’s just 56 miles from the trail, as the crow flies, according to
The First 100 Miles: Hiking My Own Hike
I have walked 138 miles. That's six percent of the Appalachian Trail if you're doing the math. It's just fine if you're not. I'm trying not
Transitioning to the AT, and Why I’m Walking
I spent the day crying. That is, I spent the day crying while packing my apartment, crying while hugging my friends and boyfriend goodbye, crying
Pipsissewa, Trillium, and Shaffer: Histories and Personal Heroes
Shaffer and the trail In 1948 Earl Shaffer put on a backpack. He laced up his boots and started walking step-by-step out of Mount Oglethorpe in
Get the Gear
At 22 years old I have been able to acquire most of the gear I need to be able to get up on any given morning and hop on a trail for a backpacking
The Where’s and Why’s
Well, this is it. Let’s get acquainted. Not too long ago my friend Galen and I were taking a walk to Devil’s Kettle Falls in northern Minnesota,