Hi, I’m Courtney! Normally you can find me exploring the mountains of East Tennessee, but in 2022 I hiked the Foothills Trail with my dad and dog, and in 2023 I hiked the Appalachian Trail with my boyfriend! (My dad and my dog Jake also started the AT with us. Jake made it about a quarter of the trail before he got hot and tired, my dad, NoName, put on rockets about 300 miles in and finished weeks before Erik and I.) Erik and I are the two thru hikers who don’t have trail names.
Over Mt. Washington and Through the Wildcats
Author’s Note- Welcome to my delayed trail update. I finished my thru-hike on October 18th. Slowly but surely I’m finishing my story. Day 176:
Weather in the Whites Can Break You
Day 173: 5,320 ft ascent, 10.4 miles (plus 3 miles road walk) It was Sunday. After spending four days inside sick with Covid I was ready to hike
The Time I Unknowingly Hiked the Kinsmans with Covid
Day 168: 4,680 ft ascent, 16.3 miles I woke up at the Notch Hostel still with a headache from the day before. My watch told me I had slept horribly.
We Found Mona Leafa!
Author’s note: Erik and I finished our thru hike in October. I had gotten behind with writing, but I’ll slowly finish our story as I have time. Stay
Welcome to New Hampshire
Day 162: 4,480 ft ascent, 16.1 miles After racing through Vermont without taking a day off, I was counting down the days before we could get to the
Who Ordered 90° in Vermont?
Day 159: 3,950 ft ascent, 14.0 miles I was a big fan of breakfast before I started the trail, but I think my breakfast love has doubled since I’ve
Vermud Was Only Slightly Vermuddy
Day 151: 3,160 ft ascent, 9.6 miles After a day off in North Adams, we were ready to get back to the trail and on to a new state. We were packing up
Sleeping in Yards in Massachusetts
Author’s Note: I have gotten about a month behind on writing and posting updates. We’ve started hiking more with less down time as we’ve headed
Showers and Ice Cream in Connecticut
Day 139: 3,240 ft ascent, 16.9 miles After all of the good luck we had been having with deli-blazing the past few weeks, I was on the lookout for
Nothing Stops New York Mosquitos
The theme of New York was mosquitos. They. Were. Everywhere. Nothing stopped them. We wore bug nets, reapplied insect treatment to our clothes, wore