Hey, y’all. You can call me Roo, shirt for Ruby Throat. I live in the Western North Carolina mountains and I’m planning a flip flop hike (because I never do anything in the “right” order). I’ll start with a new moon on April 26, NOBO from Grayson Highlands State Park (because….ponies!) I’m a card-carrying tree-hugger and a natural born nomad. If you see someone smelling wild roses and marveling at flamboyant fungi along the way, that will be me. Oh, yeah... my knees are totally looking forward to hiking the White Mountains. Please visit me at rubythroatjournal.com, too.
It’s Not You, It’s Me… Gear I Broke Up With On The Trail
Last week I shared my top five pieces of gear on my 2017 AT hike. I cheated and added an extra and don’t even get me started on Fluffy and Puffy and
My Top Five Pieces Of 2017 Thru-Hike Gear
It’s so fun seeing this flurry of thru-hike planning happening now on The Trek. I love to plan and to do research, so I’m having some pleasant, and
Shedding Blood, Sweat and Tears in New Hampshire
New Hampshire Made Me Cry First, the good news...I walked out of New Hampshire and into Maine on Tuesday, August 29. And there was much
Getting My Slack Packer Glow On
I met Namaste in Virginia at the Woods Hole Hostel (where we all held hands and expressed gratitude for things like coffee and a dry place to sleep
The End of a Tramily
Feeling rushed and having regrets. I broke up with my trail family (tramily) today. I've been feeling rushed lately. And I'm starting to have
How to Train for the Thru-Hiker Olympics
Massachusetts is pretty, y'all! I'm taking a zero today in Great Barrington, MA. It's my first day off in about 600 miles. That's a lot of
The Gift of Two Black Eyes
Ask almost any former thru hiker what they didn't expect when they first started their hike and almost every one will say something like, "The trail
See Ya Never Again, Shenandoahs!
How do you know someone's a thru-hiker? The outfit usually gives it away! Shenandoahs, done! I covered 108 miles over 8 days, which is
Rethinking How to Hike My Own Hike–There Will Be Consequences
For the record, Virginia...not flat, not easy. I was 360.8 miles in to my flip-flop thru hike and looking forward immensely to a zero at the Quality
Day 21….Ending the Day Early Because I Can
I might be getting my trail legs. Today I hiked almost 14 miles and had my camp set up by 3pm. Up until today, a 14 mile day meant dragging in at 5