Hi, my name is Dema - rhymes with… FEMA? Eh, that may still be ambiguous, let’s try it again phonetically. Hi, my name is “Dee-muh”, and I instantly forget everything interesting and unique about myself when asked to write a bio or introduction of any kind. I am 29 years old, and I am attempting a 2024 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, northbound from Georgia to Maine. Much to my family’s discomfort, I decided an excellent way to celebrate the end of my 20s and start of my 30s was by sleeping on a pad of air in a fabric box in the woods for 6 months. So here we are... sleeping on a pad of air... in a fabric box... in the woods... FOR 6 MONTHS. I am excited to share this adventure with you. Thanks for reading!
So I Summited Mt. Katahdin… Now Come Get Me Please.
Nobody told me that I would need to hike DOWN this mountain too. Isn't 2197.4 miles enough for you people??
Begging the White Mountains to Please Let Us Pass
The White Mountains answer to no one. And so, we proceeded with caution at their mercy.
Please Know in Most Groups, I’m the Yammer
(Days 90 to 107) Dynamics of a trail trio as defined by Whisper. 1700+ miles walked and no psychology degree makes me very qualified to make
Please Don’t Worry About Me in the Rain
Just keep on walking. Even when it's hot. Even when it's wet. Even when it sucks.
How to Coordinate with 7 Other Hikers While Still Doing Whatever You Please
You can have it all! The glamorous life of a thru-hiker with a full tramily life all balanced with the relationships of your loved ones at home. All you need is to be able to be in multiple places at once!
Please Give Me Fries With That
Actually, can I please just have one of everything on the menu?
The AT Has No Views? Please.
If I hear "Why would you hike the AT when you could hike the PCT and have views?" one more time, I WILL lose it.
In Your Rush to Mt. Katahdin, Please Don’t Forget to Stop and Smell the Day Hikers
It's important to enjoy the little things, and for thru-hikers that includes the wafting scent of a passing freshly-washed stranger.
Please Refer to Me by My Tramily Name
Officially hiker trash - I've got a trail name!
Please Explain Why I Still Know the Words to “The Climb”
There's always going to be another mountain. 🏔 I'm always going to want to make it move. 🎼