Erin Tate
As an avid outdoor enthusiast, I'll be putting my biology degree to good use as I explore the Appalachian Trail with my big brother Andrew in 2015. We'll be stepping off a day after my 28th birthday. I'll also be hiking for a good cause - on the trail I'll be raising money for BECA (Bilingual Education for Central America), a non-profit dedicated to providing bilingual education to some of the most underprivileged families in Honduras (please donate at GoFundMe.com/ATforBECA). Maybe we'll even write a book about our adventures on the Trail ourselves! After the AT, I plan on going to grad school for ecology and then seeing where life takes me.
5 Weeks Stranded in Paradise
If I've lived and learned anything on this Trail, it's definitely been "embrace the suck". Once the suckage has been embraced fully, only then does
You Can Do Anything for 10 Seconds
I'm no longer writing as Erin. Today, I write to you with my brand spankin' new trail name; Clever Girl. And I'm here to tell you about perseverance;
Never Eat Soggy Wheaties
I'm sitting in the Spring Creek Tavern in Hot Springs as I write this post, reflecting on the past weeks since my last update. I've actually lost
The Pain Is Ever So Real
I've been in a lot of pain recently. Yeah, my knees are sore and stiff and I can't bend them properly, and yeah the chafing in my chest area is
The Journey Begins: Night Hikes and Mines of Moria
It has begun: the journey of a lifetime. And boy, did ours begin with a bang. 10 days in and we've made it roughly 50 miles (hey, I told you it'd
Fat and Bald and I Haven’t Left Amicalola
Today is my 28th birthday, and tomorrow I start the Appalachian Trail. That statement lacks prose and insight, but I want to write the truth and
Gear List (Or: How You Can Tell I’m New At This)
Well well well, I guess it's time for me to post my own gear list and get the expert thoughts and opinions that the Appalachian Trial community is
Challenging Thoughts and Fears
With just under 5 weeks til my brother and I start our Appalachian Trail adventure I've been starting to worry nonstop. Keeping myself awake at
How Not to Hike the Appalachian Trail: a Style Guide
Shoutout to Ben Grelle, better known as the Frogman, for taking these pictures and making the project go from concept to reality. View the original
Hiking The AT for BECA
NOTE: This isn't a plea for donations, or an appeal on your generosity. If you want to donate to BECA - fantastic! After all, I'm hiking to help