I have always enjoyed the outdoors but hiking and backpacking is a relatively new to my 40 something years. I got my first taste of hiking doing a fundraiser for CureSearch for Children's Cancer and I was hooked. Luckily I have also infected my husband who is embarking on this journey with me. I hope you enjoy following along on as I prepare for and embark on the experience of a lifetime.
What Makes a Trail Interesting?
What Makes a Trail Interesting? I am sure there are as many different answers to that as there are people out on the trails. But it is a question I
A Heartfelt Thank You to Trail Crews Everywhere
Vague Appreciation I have gained a greater appreciation for every one whose job it is to maintain the trails we all enjoy. On many previous hikes I
Stages of Grief
Let me begin by saying that I am not in any way comparing my loss to those who have lost loved ones. When we think of grief we automatically think
Today Should Have Been the Day
Ever since I began planning this adventure I have read other hikers caution about planning out too much and always being ready to have your plans
Google Maps Doesn’t Understand Forest Service Road
The weekend started out simple enough. We made a trip to Springer Mountain this weekend and drove up to the trailhead to check out the road
40 Days to a New Way of Life
New Doors Opening That seems such a long time and yet so soon all at once. I have began to equate time in comparison to that date. I make future
How do You Know if You Can?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Elliot I recently read this quote and I was struck by
What to do When You Can’t Hike Every Day
My favorite way to train for my AT thru-hike is by hiking. Life does not always allow for long drives or long days on the trail so what do you
Beginning Gear List for February Start
I feel gear is such an individual thing and each person needs to find what works for them and not just what everyone else is using. As you read a
DIY Tyvek Tent Footprint
DIY gear has so many great advantages. It cheaper, often lighter, and you can customize it just for you, just to name a few. It can be a little