I’m Lizzie, a 26 year old from Kansas City, Missouri and I love to be outside! When I’m not attempting a thru-hike, I like to stay active with a local Irish Dance group called ‘Ceili at the Crossroads.’ I started Irish dance when I was 5 and it continues to bring me joy. Other than dance, I play recreational Ultimate Frisbee with the Kansas City Utimate League. I also love to read, geocache, do yoga, spoil my 12 year old mini poodle, and attempt new recipes! I successfully completed a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail last year as ‘Sunshine’ with my ex-boyfriend. Now that I’m single, I’m trying for a new hike and a new trail name. Hike on!
The 30 Miles South to Hart’s Pass
I was the first to reach the Northern Terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail on Sept. 28. After a quick three miles downhill, I approached the monument
Saying Goodbye to OG Tramily Members
For the most part, I enjoy hiking alone. I love to jam out to music, take photos; literally smell the flowers and needles that surround the trail.
A Long Slide Down Forester Pass
I didn’t make it too far after summiting Mt. Whitney. We descended to the Crab Tree campground, packed our things, and hiked the one mile back to the
The LA Aqueduct: A Dark, Flat Walk
My campsite before the aqueduct was my first night camping alone. I both loved and hated it; the solitude was great until every rustle of leaves
A Kansas City Girl Thrives in Southern California
I have never in my life put so much conscious effort into my water intake. In the real world, I carry a Nalgene around and fill it up throughout the
What Mike’s Is All About: Comfort, Food, Conversation
It doesn’t take much to please a thru-hiker. In fact, I would say most hikers out here are simply ecstatic with the prospect of reliable water.
A Kansas City Girl Thrives in Southern California Part I: Avoiding the Sun
Guys- the desert is surprisingly wonderful. There are many redeeming qualities in the desert that make up for the heat, such as scenery, flowers,
Can I Beat the Heat?
I write this as I stare out into the Pacific Ocean, which I currently dub as too cold to swim in. How funny since only a short two hours ago I sat on