After hiking some 600 odd miles of the AT in the summer of '15, I've become completely addicted to hiking! Regardless of my luck, I'm hoping to complete a 2016 PCT thru hike. Be prepared for a lack of cohesive adventuring, some obvious colloquialisms, and non traditional hiking.
T-7 Days. Lists. Life.
T-7 days until the beginning of my thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail!! What's Up In the post before my gear post I mentioned that I was off to
PCT 2016 Gear List
I suppose I should put a disclaimer at the beginning of this post. I love gear. Or more importantly, I STILL love gear. Most people obsess over their
Between Then and Now
When I first decided to hike the PCT, I was putting sheets on bunks at The Cabin in Maine. A fellow AT thru hiker, Pebbles, was lounging about and I
How it all Ended
Last we left off I was getting back on the trail, which indeed happened. I wound up getting on the trail with the sister of a friend of mine in
Thru Hiking Will Break Your Heart: A Book Review
Thru Hiking Will Break Your Heart: A Book Review I first stumbled upon Carrot Quinn’s book while I was attempting my thru hike of the Appalachian
Injuries are the Worst and I Don’t Recommend Them
I admit it, I've been a terrible Appalachian Trials blogger. I updated exactly twice from the trail and then promptly fell off the planet. I want to
A Day in the Life!
We left off with me being slightly sappy about how I started my thru hike. I was going to continue on to talk about my first week on the trail to
Appalachian Contemplation
This Whole Blog Writing Thing Hello! My name is Marietta. I've had the Appalachian Trail bug since I was 12 years old. At that point in my life I